

$$\frac{a}{c}$$=0.0075 and $$\frac{b}{c}$$=0.09,where a,b and c are positive integers. What is the least possible value of c?
The ratio of male to all is 4:9, and there are 80 males, how many females are there?
Mary raises a herd of cows and feeds a total of m kilograms of feed a week. She feeds a cow a day with n kilograms of feed. How many cows does Mary have?
The ratio of the number of apples to pears is 2: 3. Now the number of apples is increased by 2. How many pears should be added so that the ratio is still 2: 3?
There are some balls, the ratio of the number of green to red is 2:3, the ratio of red to blue is 3:5. If there are S blue balls, what is the number of green balls?
N students ate 3 different flavored pizzas with the same size. Two pizzas were equally distributed to n students. Since three students did not like the flavor of the third pizza, they did not ate it ,and the third pizza was equally distributed to the other students. If one student ate pizzas of all three kinds of flavors, then what fraction of all the 3 pizzas is the pizzas he ate?
The gross profit of some cars equals the total sales price minus the total tax. If the gross profit of n cars is q dollars, and the unit price of a car is s. what is the total tax?
A person bought some candies and equally divided them into s pieces to sell with the same price for each piece. The total sales price of n pieces of the candies equals the total purchase price of all the s pieces of candies. The total profit is p after he sold out all the s pieces of candies, then what is the sales price of each piece?
The ratio of boys and girls in math class is 4:5. The ration of boys and girls in English class is 5:4. If the number of boys in English class is 50% greater than the number of boys in math class, what is the ratio of the number of girls in math class and in English class?

Give your answer as a fraction.
The acceptance rate of school X is $$\frac{1}{4}$$, the acceptance rate of school Y is $$\frac{1}{6}$$, the number of people who apply for school X is twice as many as the number of people who apply for school Y, what is the ratio of the number of people accepted by school X to the number of people accepted by school Y?
When $$\frac{2}{7}$$ is turned into a decimal number, what is the $$57^{th}$$ digit after the decimal point?
$$0.\overline {abcde}$$ is a repeating decimal with abcde repeated,where a,b,c,d and e are 5 different digits,and $$0.\overline {abcde}$$=$$\frac{1}{X}$$ (X is a positive integer)

Quantity A


Quantity B


-1 < x < 1

Quantity A:|1-x|

Quantity B:1
x-y > 0

Quantity A: |x|-|y|

Quantity B: 0
z=x$$y^{2}$$,x < 0

Quantity A


Quantity B


y > 0

Quantity A


Quantity B


m > n

Quantity A:|-m|-|-n|

Quantity B:|-n|-|-m|
If x < y,which of the following must be true?

Indicate all such items.
If x and y are numbers such that Ix-7l ≤ 3 and |y-2| ≤ 10, what is the least possible value of y-x?
If |3x+2| < 5, then which of the following statements must be true?

Indicate all such statements.


25000 +道题目

