

Quantity A: The average of all the multiples of 3 from 1 to 200,inclusive
Quantity B: The average of all the multiples of 6 from 1 to 200,inclusive
25 positive integers are all multiples of 3 from 14 to 88 (inclusive), what is the median of these 25 numbers?
What is the median of integers from 71 to 171,inclusive?
In a certain sequence with 15 positive integers, the median is 80, and the greatest number is 100.

Quantity A

The average of the list

Quantity B


The average and median of three positive integers is 9 and 8, respectively, what could be the least value and greatest value of the three integers?
Indicate all such values.
The 40 members of a club reported their ages to the nearest whole year. Of the 20 highest reported ages, the minimum age was 30. The other 20 reported ages had a maximum age of 29. The 20 highest reported ages had an arithmetic mean of 36, and the other 20 had a mean of 22.

Quantity A

The median of the 40 reported ages

Quantity B

The mean age of the 40 reported ages

Both the median and the mean of seven number 8, 10, 12, 12, x, y, and z (x ≤ y ≤ z) are 9. What`s the least possible value of x?

Quantity A

The median of the number

Quantity B

The mode of the number

Mary sold 15 widgets last week. The median sale price of all widgets was $130 and the average sale price of all widgets was $150.

Quantity A


Quantity B

The least possible sale price of the most expensive widget

The median height of 10 people is 70, the average is 72.5, and the range is 12. If a person with a height of 74 is added, which number will definitely change?

A number set contains a total of 240 numbers ranging from 20 to 80,inclusive,according to the boxplot,which of the following expression MUST be true?
Indicate all such expressions.
In a distribution, the value of the 66th percentile is 80,and the value of the 56th percentile is 60.

Quantity A

The value of the 46th percentile

Quantity B


X distribution: mean is 56, measurement T is between 65th and 70th percentile; Y distribution mean is 56, measurement Z is between 75th and 80th percentile;
Quantity A: T
Quantity B: Z
$$a_{n}=n[(-1)^n-1^n]$$, where n is a positive integer
What is the range of $$a_{1}, a_{2}, a_{3}, a_{4}, a_{5}$$?
In the xy-plane, there are ten points on line y=0.8x-4.5, the range of y is 5, what is the range of x?
During the 2nd month to the 4th month, each month`s sales are 50 more than the former month. And during the 5th month to the 7th month, each month`s sales are 100 fewer than the former month. Then what is the range of sales between the 1st month and the 7th month?
The median of 5 different integers is 60,and the rest integers are between 50 and 70,inclusive. What is the range of all the possible sum of the 5 integers?
Among a group of 120 people in total, the range is 120. Yet, among 90 people inside the group, the range of is 90.

Quantity A

The range of the rest 30 people among them

Quantity B


A student attended 3 tests with every score is an integer between 0 and 100(inclusive), and the average score of the 3 scores is 75. What is the greatest possible range between the3 scores?
In the distribution of X, the mean is 10, and the standard deviation is 0.6;in the distribution of Y, the mean is12,and the standard deviation is 0.7.

Quantity A

The standard deviation of X when all the numbers in X increase by 3

Quantity B

The standard deviation of y when all the numbers in Y increase by 2


25000 +道题目

