

The author's unfortunate predilection for mannered turns of phrase and complicated metaphors had a tendency to _____ her work's straightforward themes.
To abolish the existence of nation-states is neither feasible nor desirable; but insofar as there are collective interests that transcend national boundaries, the (i)_____ of nation-states must be (ii)_____ to international institutions.
Caricature can be revealing as well as amusing, and Ager's novel is both: Ager's delineation of class, ethnic, and generational struggle is exaggerated for comical effect, but it _____ nonetheless.
Attending with equal (i)_____ to any question that presents itself, the sociologist`s work has strengths and weaknesses that flow from this energetically (ii)_____ approach.
Because people expect theater directors to be authoritarians, many were surprised that Clark was so _____.
Because the book is largely concerned with an examination of various (i)_____ often encountered in contemporary thinking, such as an exaggerated appreciation for meaningless coincidence and a credulous accept of pseudoscience, much of the writing has a (ii)_____ quality to it. Nevertheless, it avoids the overly earned scolding tone common to many such endeavors.
In Inuit culture, elaborate carving has often been used to enhance _____ object such as harpoon heads and other tools.
Behavioral economists have come to believe that a (i)_____ of choices can be paralyzing as Schwartz pointed out in the recent book The Paradox of Choice. Studies of retirement plans show that the more investment choices a plan offers, the less likely people are to participate in it. It may follow, then, that a lack of flexibility in certain plans may actually be a (ii)_____. People reasonably (iii)_____ some advantages in exchange for peace of mind.
The trade in scientific literature in nineteenth-century Germany was so robust that publisher constantly worried about (i)_____ of new titles, an anxiety that gave even relatively undistinguished authors, who made their living writing technical treatises, (ii)_____.
The documentation of Earth`s biodiversity is complicated by the (i)_____ taxonomists. Those experts in classifying species tent to be (ii)_____ North American and Europe, whereas most of the undocumented biodiversity is likely in the tropics.
Although the biography never explicitly assesses what role the dynamic between Mr. Merrill's parents might have played in the development of his personality, the author offers plenty of _____.
For almost two centuries, the German island of Sylt has offered various therapies for every conceivable (i)_____ from broken bones to liver complaints. The local mud, saltwater, thermal pools, and spas have been deemed (ii)_____ by the German medical system, which (iii)_____ some of these treatments. Consequently, the treatments are widely used.
The _____ of ophthalmology as a field in the United States from 1820 to 1850 is evident in the opening of at least five eye hospitals during this period, offering new venues for ophthalmic treatment and experimentation.
The irony of digital networking is that it can produce more (i)_____ than did the geographical confinement it supposedly transcended. As human interactions become (ii)_____ physical location, people are less likely to have regular dealings with others who do not share the same values and outlooks.
An apparent paradox led the scientists to pursue their present line of research. They were struck by the fact that a single mathematics formula can be used to describe physical phenomena that appear to be so _____.
For the urban researcher, the long lives of ancient cities can provide ample chronological data, making up for the paucity stemming from relative _____ of most present-day cities.
Apparent flaws in the sculptor`s work have not _____ its respectful reception by most modern critics.
While people complain about their hectic lives and demanding schedules, one might be justified in suspecting that they are being somewhat (i)_____: compulsive busyness seems to be, for many, a source of (ii)_____.
Fifty pages of footnotes, some of them presenting quite lengthy bibliographies, suggest that very few pertinent sources on the Black Arts movement in literature have (i)_____ Thompson`s search; (ii)_____, the text makes it clear that the author`s examination of these sources has been similarly (iii)_____.
Schechter is atypically (i)_____ the film version of Stephen King`s horror novel The shining because the qualities for which the majority of other critics have approved it (its artful camera work and so on) get in the way of narrative and render the story less, rather than more, (ii)_____ than other films of the same genre. This is not (iii)_____ view, and we must be grateful to Schechter for putting it forward.


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