

Most of the drugs used to treat celiac disease that are now in development would not eliminate the need for a gluten-free diet but would help _____ symptoms when some gluten is unintentionally ingested.
It is true that science, and more particularly scientists, _____ cherished paradigms with great reluctance and that when they do, scientific revolutions may result.
Except for the special circumstance in which historians record events they themselves have witnessed, scholars can only obtain historical facts through ______ sources.
As a result of lacking a strong opposing organization to ______, the chief focused their rancor on one another at the conference where the issues were put forward and intended to be resolved.
Standard thermal evolution models of giant planets employ initial conditions that are, to some extent, arbitrarily chosen, selected more for computational expediency than for physical accuracy. Since eventually the initial conditions (i)_____ the evolving planet, this approach is more (ii)_____ for mature planets than it is for young planets.
The city`s traffic-planning department has been working hard to (i)______ drivers. Closely spaced stop lights have been added on roads into town, causing delays. Pedestrian underpasses designed to allow traffic to flow freely across major intersections have been (ii)______.
Gelles urges readers of Abigail Adams` letters to consider their (i)_____: in Adams` era women were denied a public persona separate from that of their husbands. That said, Gelles then (ii)_____ to promote Adams from a writer of private letters to a public figure, arguing that she was a significant force for change.
Computers' triumph in chess had been engineered not by creating machines that (i)_____ human thought, as most experts in artificial intelligence had expected, but by perfecting machines that played like machines. The analogy with flight is (ii)_____: as long as people tried to fly by imitating birds, attaching wings to their arms and flapping madly, they were (iii)_____ to fail. Once engineering escaped the paradigm of the familiar, however, people were soon flying much faster than birds.
Because the political situation seriously impeded international communication, French scientific research was at that time uncharacteristically _____.
Other monarchs have been accused by posterity of murder and treason without having come to be regarded with such _____, perhaps because the cases against them have never been satisfactorily proved.
Many macroscopic or higher-level properties on the basis of which we sort chemicals into types are not _____ the chemical structure itself but instead only manifest themselves under certain conditions or in particular contexts.
It is rare for a prominent member of the company to leave without some ____. Smith, who resigned with civility, is an exception.
Coral reefs are often referred to as the rain forests of the sea, _____________ comparison given that only tropical rain forests can compete with the sheer concentration of biodiversity found in coral reefs.


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