

Compared with their parties, politicians are ____________: they are considerably less enduring than the organizations in which they function.
The notion's ______ notwithstanding—it was first proposed by a Nobel Prize-winning physicist—it was neglected for many years until some unexpected observations led to its revival.
In its literature and its political discourse, the nation has created various narratives about itself that tend to ______ intractable social divisions in the interest of perpetuating a dubious myth of unity.
The notion that prehistoric farming of Micronesia`s Mariana Islands degraded the soils upon which savannas now occur is ______ by soil scientists, who attribute nutrient-poor savanna soils instead to long geological periods of tropical weathering.
Research indicates that many people hold (i)_____ views about government, believing that elected officials should be able to overcome differences and get things done while also regarding a willingness to compromise as a sign of (ii)_____.
Many civic institutions tend to (i)_____, when they do not actively discourage, the better natures of the citizenry. People are individually altruistic social animals who nonetheless teach themselves to be (ii)_____ in the public sphere.
It is unfortunate that essays by literary critics so infrequently (i)______ the opinions of novelists and poets, for creative writers are often quite (ii)______ about their own philosophies and are frequently more familiar with alternative systems of thought than critics are.
Transportation maps of Alaska are (i)_____ in large part by what they (ii)_____: lines identifying roads and railroads. With a single track bisecting the state and a handful of spokes to the east and south, Alaska is notable for its (iii)______ of transportation options.
Psychologists have discovered that some of the most ______ advice on study habits is flat wrong, leading them to revise the guidelines they offer to students.
Scenes of bustling streets full of well-dressed citizens going about their business ______ the growing hardship faced by all but the richest local residents.
Though only nine years old, the dancer possesses______flexibility that suggests she may become a balletic superstar.
Upstream dam construction can be _____ aquatic fauna: the natural seasonal flow patterns to which the fauna had become adapted are altered and populations therefore fragmented.
The company`s steering committee, reluctant to be held any specific commitments, released a strategic plan that was deliberately _______.
Within the field of emotional intelligence research, disagreements remain about whether emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened or is _______ characteristic.
At one time researchers viewed the placebo effect as (i)_____, a statistical (ii)_____ faced by those attempting an objective evaluation of the efficacy of potentially legitimate therapies. That view has changed: the placebo effect is today seen as an important part of the healing process.
To function as (i)_____, literary critics must write well. A badly written book review is worse than a badly written political speech or greeting card; a badly written review is (ii)______, like a barber with a terrible haircut. If critics cannot write well, how can they authoritatively recognize and promote good writing?
Despite the recent proliferation of gourmet and specialty salts, studies suggest that it would take an unusually (i)_____ palate to (ii)_____ foods prepared with different salts—most salts taste the same to most people.
It is inevitable that ongoing research presupposes some accepted science as a principle. Usually no one even notices the implication that the accepted principle is being (i)______ unless there emerges (ii)______ that turns out to be sufficiently (iii)______ that the assumptions underlying the research come to be considered.
Whereas there has been extensive sociological research into how globalization affects finance, religion, and population, comparable studies of globalization`s impact on lawmaking and the practice of law have been _____.
The fact that most hypotheses turn out to be wrong does not mean that hypothesizing is ______. In fact, most hypotheses include useful ideas that survive to become part of the next model or scenario.


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