

Like ants` propensity to congregate on one food pile and neglect another, the human tendency to make choices that _____ the observed behavior of others is a self-reinforcing process.
The difficulty of reforming electoral politics is not lack of right tools but the need to put them into the hands of impartial agents: the goal should be to build capacity while _____ partisanship.
Characteristic of the diplomat`s new book is the ______ relationship between the evidence adduced and the inferences drawn, the footnotes and citations teeming with ambiguity and complexity, while the summary statements are more dogmatic simplicities.
Notwithstanding a lack of _____, nineteenth-century anthologies such as Evert and George Duyckinck`s Cyclopaedia of American Literature represents serious attempts to collect the national writings up to that point as a way of establishing the viability of American letters.
In his study of Senegambian cleric Shaykh Mass Kah (1827-1936), Bala S. K. Saho notes that it is difficult to fully (i)_____ many of the oral accounts on which the study relies. Saho`s work shows, however, that despite this absence of (ii)_____, oral history can provide useful sources from which historians can reconstruct the past.
For a genre that`s supposed to be about the future, science fiction has certainly (i)_____ lately, (ii)_____ is what sells best, with readers spending their money on sequels to long-running series.
The (i)______ current-generation solar cells are (ii)______: although experimental cells have reached efficiencies greater than 40 percent, most commercially available cells in the early part of the twenty-first century still struggle to get past about 20 percent.
The amount of water flowing through United States streams has (i)_____ during this century, although without giving rise to more frequent floods, according to a new study by the United States Geological Survey. The country appears to be getting (ii)_____ even as its stream flow becomes less (iii)_____.
When it comes to arriving at brilliant ideas, filtering out distractions might well be _____: if a person's mind is wandering, that person tends to outperform peers in a range of tasks in which flashes of insight are important.
Matsui is an extremely _____ political tactician, as she generally will withhold her support for a political faction or a policy until she is confident it will prevail.
There is ample evidence that men and women think, express themselves, and even experience emotions differently, but in the area of sensory perception, psychologists are hard-pressed to identify major _____.
Robbins` accomplishment is not _____ one: her book makes the topic accessible to a general audience while still providing the sort of analysis that scholars demand.
Unable to escape their own literary tradition, literary critics either become the ______ of that tradition or, on the contrary, use their knowledge of it to reinterpret writers and trends from new perspectives.
Not only was Jarry ______ the pandemonium his play sparked, he actually worked to foment the conflict, organizing a posse to boo if the rest of the audience applauded and cheer if the other attendees booed.
Boreal forest is at the southern boundary of the moss-dominated tundra, which remains characteristically treeless because its spongy surface retains water that cannot drain away through the underlying permafrost. But as temperatures rise the permafrost recedes, (i)______ the (ii)______ of forest.
As late as the 1990s, Merry Wiesner Hanks argued that developments during the Reformation and the Enlightenment had (i)______ effects on the participation of women in the filed of medicine. She claimed that the (ii)______ Reformation and Enlightenment women left female health`s practitioners restricted to assisting in an unpaid and unrecognized capacity.
There is (i)______ evidence that the giant African land snail a. fulica is a serious threat to the spread of human disease. Giant snails do carry rat lungworm—infection by which is a common cause of meningitis—but so do many other snail species. Moreover, if the threat posed by a. fulica were (ii)______, one would expect to see an increase in disease rates (iii)______ a rise in the spread of snails. However, in places like New Caledonia, explosions in giant snail populations have coincided with a fall in the number of meningitis cases.
There is no sense trying to rehabilitate the reputation of the mosquito; nobody loves such a creature. But it's (i)______ to (ii)______ all 2,600 described species of mosquito when it's just 80 or so—3 percent that drink human blood. Among those 2,520 relatively (iii)______ kinds of mosquitoes, there's even one we'd like to see in greater numbers: Taxorhynchites, the mosquito that eats other mosquitoes.
We should be more ______ than we often are when making claims about antiquity—for example, the common statement, “The ancient Athenians invented democracy,” is simply not true when put like that.
The author advocates a diminished role for philosophy, aiming to show that many of the questions traditionally debated among philosophers can be ______ the realm of scientific inquiry.


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