

Berwick, middle-aged, soft-spoken, and _____, with a keen sense of how to use this apparent ordinariness to his advantage, began with a gripping story about how a firefighter saved himself during a forest fire by using a completely improbable tactic.
Because the literary club often trumpeted itself as a sanctuary for temperate discussion, visitors were startled by the frequently _____ tone of its recent debates.
The tenor of Me, as indicated by the title, tends to be _____, sometimes insufferably so.
The main thrust of her argument was that wage difference, far from being _____, do in fact reflect education, skills, experience, and other factors that make employees more productive.
Journalist Michael Pollan is nothing if not (i)_____, committed to investigating our eating habits through (ii)_____ and unwilling to pass judgment on any food-related practice that he has not witnessed firsthand or even joined in.
Scientists suspect that athletes may experience augmented bloodstream levels of the hormone oxytocin during competition. (i)_____ considerations, however, make it difficult to (ii)_____ oxytocin levels during sports events: few will willingly interrupt play in the middle of a game in order for scientists to test players` blood.
Give a computer (i)_____ task—winning at chess, say, or predicting the weather—and the machine bests humans nearly every time. Yet when problems are (ii)_____, or require combining varied sources, computers are (iii)_____ human intelligence.
With the grand ambition of sending unbreakable coded messages, some physicists are using exotic tools—quantum mechanics and streams of individual photons—to shut out (i)_____. But a wire and a few resistors may (ii)_____ a message as securely, according to a physicist who claims to have devised a simple and uncrackable scheme. The idea shows that more (iii)_____ methods might compete with budding quantum cryptography.
Contrary to popular myth, cockroaches are not especially tough or radiation resistant; indeed, they are pretty _____ as insects go.
Scientific discovery calls for a difficult balance: intrepid advocacy of new ideas must often be _____ by the results of self-imposed trials.
Reuters are not against _____ noteworthy architecture but suggests a cap on the amount to be protected at any one time: if you want to protect another ancient building, one should come off the list.
Jaime Javier Rodriguez notes that popular art forms often conceal a daunting complexity: frequently what appears _____ becomes intricate and challenging when closely examined.
Although not enough to _____ the conventional view of the manuscript`s provenance, the new study was thought to have weakened the prevailing theory considerably.
The economist argued that however much the government might trumpet the value of _____, it had been as bold as any other in its spending programs.
She knew well, from experience with hundreds of hired crew members on her boats, how (i)_____ attitudes can be: one negative influence can impel an otherwise (ii)_____ member of a crew to quit.
Recently the novelist has (i)_____ the radically experimental forms with which he made his reputation in favor of more (ii)_____ narratives, fencing in and turning an imagination meant to run wild.
It is plausible to regard a collection of letters spanning youth and old age as (i)_____ of autobiography: the precession of characters who inhabit a life and a chronology of incidents turn up reliably in either form. Yet autobiography, even when ostensibly steeped in candor, tends toward (ii)_____ through later perspectives, afterwords, and second thoughts, whereas letters have an undeniable (iii)_____, offering select glimpses of the fought and living moment.
The nature of our recollection is (i)_____. One memory can seem (ii)_____ whereas another must be coaxed out of our brain little by little. Although a moment that excites our emotions is more likely to be recorded than a (iii)_____ experience, the sensory qualities of an event also play a part in how vividly and accurately we remember it.
Many theorists believe that measures to prevent industrial pollution necessarily increase production costs, but several recent reports document innovations that _______________ environmental harm while also delivering economic benefits.
A closer examination of the author's footnotes explains the datedness of his argument: he has ignore most of the recent work in the field, drawing instead mainly on research that is now decidedly _____.


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