

A few decades ago the idea of animal morality would have been met with __________; however, recent research suggests that animals not only act altruistically but also have the capacity for empathy, forgiveness, trust, and reciprocity.
At first, most of the famous fairy tales seem so implausible and so irrelevant to contemporary life that their _____ is hard to understand.
The presidents` cordial greeting may seem to be a small gesture of friendliness, but it is not without _____ in the heretofore stifled atmosphere of the society`s meetings.
The purpose of accounts of the Amazons for their male Greek recorders was _____, to teach both male and female Greeks that all-female groups, formed by withdrawal from traditional society, are destructive and dangerous.
Whatever the acknowledged (i)_____ of the market and the merits of considering ways to (ii)_____ them, implementing public policies toward this end entails the inevitable risk that those policies will simply create new deficiencies even as they address old ones.
Research note that wolves` otherwise strongly hierarchical society is marked by occasional displays of populist (i)_____: if a pack leader proves a too-snappish tyrant, subordinate wolves will (ii)_____ the top cur.
The motives of many major investors in Pop Art have arguably been to a large extent (i)_____. These collectors demonstrate and enhance their power over the art market by establishing seemingly arbitrary works of art as priceless. This phenomenon reveals that (ii)_____ is not (iii)_____ of truth or beauty, but simply a trick of investment capital.
Not all paleontologists agree that connections between the continents were (i)_____ just after the extinction of the dinosaurs. Some hold the view that North America, Asia, and South America had (ii)_____ immediately following the dinosaur extinction, pointing to (iii)_____ between ancient kinds of mammals that existed on all three continents at this time in support of their argument.
Because archaeology explores the most profound changes in human history by means of a grossly incomplete record; it has invited the sort of bold, imaginative interpretation in which speculation too easily becomes _____ evidence.
During the eighteenth century, improvements in their material circumstances did not necessarily mean expanded independence for women elite families and, arguably, the social conventions of gentility _____ more of their time and energy.
For certain economists, “pure” economic theory, that is, economic theory _____ a specific social structure, is impossible, much like a concept of anatomy that investigates no specific species.
The professor's habitual air of _____ was misleading front, concealing amazing reserves of patience and a deep commitment to his students' learning.
The often-cited parallels between human communities and insect colonies are _____: the cooperation found among social insects is essentially due to the insects genetic ties, while humans often collaborate with non-relatives.
In the nineteenth century, geology became so respected among middle-class Britons that the science came to be seen as _____ a yardstick by which other disciplines measured their scientific rigor and imaginative power.
Throughout much of the twentieth century, common scientific sense seemed to dictate that animals could not make a choice based on rational or aesthetic criteria. Such choices were (i)_____ the mental capacity of humans. Scientists who (ii)_____ this animal-human cognitive division were often accused of anthropomorphism.
For many adults, the adolescent years occupy (i)_____ place in the memory, which to some degree is even quantifiable: give a grown adult a series of random prompts and cues, odds are he or she will recall (ii)_____ number of memories from adolescence.
Company historians tend to focus on either the company itself or company leaders, the latter being (i)_____ by writers who think (ii)_____ is important, the former favored by writers who think company heads are actually (iii)_____.
Publisher, publicist, and broadcasters love anniversaries, those occasions when historical events become (i)_____ in (ii)_____ culture of celebration. On such occasions patriotic sentiment and national pride wrapped in the panoply of history to manufacture a mythical past that is serviceable for public (iii)_____.
Rebecca West's book Black Lamb and Grey Falcon is a singularity _____ achievement, 1,100 pages that meld the genres of travel narratives, autobiography, historical analysis, and philosophical meditation.
She expected her book to be _____, but in fact few of her readers disagreed with its premise that street art, long considered a mere sideshow entertainment, deserved to be regarded as high art.


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