

People from one community always take each other as _____ since they automatically classify the others as their family line.
The juxtaposition of fertile alluvial soils originating in the Andes with the infertile inland soils of central Amazon Basin is one example of _____ of the soil conditions that can be found in the tropics.
Because the critic thought that the mark of great literature was grandiosity and elegance not to be found in common speech, writers seeking his approbation _____ the vernacular.
Due to the many _____ in his committee presentation, Mark`s advisor suggested that he revise his work and practice in front of a mirror before presenting it to the entire department.
From time to time, all scientific disciplines encounter observations that do not fit the theories of the day. At first such observations tend to be treated as (i)_____, but those scientists (ii)_____ them sometimes discover that they have to abandon established principles in order to account for the new findings.
Despite dispute between the sisters lasted all summer, Megan remained (i)_____ and Laruen was equally (ii)_____.
The motives of many major investors in Pop Art have arguably been to a large extent, (i)_____. These collectors demonstrate and enhance their power over the art market by establishing seemingly arbitrary works of art as priceless. This phenomenon reveals that (ii)_____ is not (iii)_____ of truth or beauty, but simply a trick of investment capital.
China`s rapidly growing population is the main threat facing large carnivores in the People`s Republic. Increasingly, policies aimed at limiting population growth have been (i)_____; nevertheless, the country`s vast size and the isolation of many of its regions mean that human populations in areas where large carnivores still occur (ii)_____. This human pressure has (iii)_____ the South China tiger.
Although most scientists hold that quantum theory and the theory of general relativity ought to be intimately connected, the theories have remained stubbornly _____.
One big challenge with placebo responses is that they are _____: people given the same inert pill or potion may show wildly different reactions, and the effects vary widely according to each person`s illness.
The _____ of biographies of antebellum capitalists is particularly striking in contrast with the abundance of life stories of industrialists in later eras.
He was one of the most powerful chess players over and one of the most _____; at the height of his fame he all but dropped out of chess, entering into a self-imposed exile.
Anthropologist Jane Goodall was _____ in her determination to anthropomorphize the animals she observed with such empathy, and so resisted her editors` attempt to recast her descriptions in more dispassionate language.
Although New York exhilarated him, even at first Leger's reaction to it was not _____: he was initially bothered by its stunning verticality.
While in their consideration of the unique way athletics and academics are combined in United States universities, Markovits and Rensmann do not (i)_____ Gumbrecht's idealizing vision of the compatibility of college athletics with the intellectual missions of institutions of higher learning, neither do they regard college athletics as (ii)_____: they believe that big-time sports have a rightful place in university life.
The description of humans as having an internal clock is not a (i)_____. Or rather, it is—you do not have a tiny watch in your cerebellum—but it also refers to (ii)_____, a specialized bundle of cells that regulates cyclical processes
5.Human-caused disturbances, such as habitat destruction and the introduction of nonnative species, are among the leading causes of plant and animal population declines. Most populations are affected by a combination of adverse human pressures, each of which is in itself insufficient to (i)_____ a population crash. Therefore, studies of population declines that (ii)_____ individual factors and thus (iii)_____ potential interactions may lead to improper management of declining species.
Movement from bottom to top, from poor to rich, was rare, even movement from poor to middle class was (i)_____. Statistical analysis of trends in occupation, income, and property ownership, Thernstrom wrote, "yielded rather (ii)_____ conclusions about social mobility in nineteenth-century America." So we might expect Thernstrom to be suspicious now of claims that differences in class could be (iii)_____ if only the public schools did a better job.
A small degree of _____ is always desirable in a published diary. A sense of authenticity is seldom worth the diarist's questionable grammar or careless phrasing.
In his heyday, Sonny Bono's role in public was _____: he was an accomplished lyricist, a mayoral success story, delegate from Palm Springs, and the husband of an internationally acclaimed vocalist.


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