

The medical researchers replied to the charge that their proposed new treatment was _____ by demonstrating that it in fact observed standard medical practices.
Because experience had convinced her that Hector was both self-seeking and avaricious, she rejected the possibility that the motivation behind his donation had been wholly _____.
The inconspicuous location and lack of striking vistas that characterize the villa reflect the _____ aspect of its creator's personality.
Since many prehistoric tools were made of materials, such as wood, bone, and antler, that tend to decay quickly, these archaeological specimens are _____ their stone counterparts.
As the pace of the trial (i)_____, the wait at the beginning of the day became less interminable, and the attorneys` requests to suspend proceeding for private conferences with the judge, almost invariably granted early on, were routinely (ii)_____.
Managers who categorically squelch insights from low-tiered employees run the obvious hazard of (i)_____ creativity; conversely, these very same managers are more likely to (ii)_____ any ideas that flow down from the top brass.
A bird`s feathers would seem to be a (i)_____ design for protecting a bird from attack by microscopic organisms. They create a warm, moist space next to the skin that could be an ideal incubator for spores. Wild birds rarely (ii)_____ skin diseases, however. The chemicals in the sebum include an array of antibacterial and antifungal agents that allow the bird`s skin to (iii)_____.
The skin of the poison dart frog contains deadly poisons called batrachotoxins. But the (i)_____ of the toxins has remained an enigma, as the frog does not (ii)_____ them. Now an analysis suggests that the melyrid beetle is the source. Collected beetle specimens all contained batrachotoxins, suggesting that these beetles are (iii)_____ by the frogs.
Far from _____ innovations, as the patent system was designed to do, the patenting of concepts such as gene sequences gives individuals and corporations a legal choke to hold over ideas that should be useful to all.
The 1840s were _____ time for young women beginning to study science, particularly astronomy, in 1847 Maria Mitchell discovered the Nantucket comet, the first of several important astronomical discoveries of the era.
To keep the museum's admission lines moving, security inspections are considerably _____.
The evil of class and race hatred must be eliminated while it is still _____ state; otherwise, it may grow to dangerous proportions.
There are no ___________ criteria of excellence in art: works that once were ignored or even reviled now fetch millions of dollars at auction, while those that were most highly praised in their day now languish in storage.
The pupil had a reputation for obduracy, but the teacher found her to be, on the contrary, quite _____.
Because reading on the Web entails quickly scanning and sorting through a deluge of information, many wonder if our level of engagement with the text (i)_____ or if the ability to read closely and carefully is one that can be (ii)_____ if we simply spend more time immersed in a book.
The benefits offered by information technology do not (i)_____ the need for individual reasoning; for example, Internet user should not allow the reasoning process to be (ii)_____ the mere accumulation raw data.
Evidence has been accumulating since the 1930s that reducing an animals energy intake below its energy expenditure extends the life span and delays the (i)_____ of age-related diseases in rats, dogs, fish, and monkeys. Such results have inspired thousands of people to (ii)_____ in the hope of living longer, healthier lives. They have also led to a search for drugs that (iii)_____ the effects of calorie restriction without the pain of actually going on a diet.
Although Uruk in southern Mesopotamia has been (i)_____ as being both the first city and the model for later cones, at least two sites in northern Mesopotamia have yielded clear evidence of urbanization long before the existing evidence from Uruk, and other discoveries indicate that some of the (ii)_____ early urbanism were invented not in southern Mesopotamia but in the north. These findings have led some archaeologists to (iii)_____ a serious reconsideration about when and where the first cities arose.
Many people remember a time when cutting-edge architects, who are these days treated like celebrities, had _____ relationship with the public: for much of the 1960s, big new buildings in cities were often cause for hostility, not celebration.
It is surprising to see such a child that is at his sixteenth manifest a great measure of _____, for he delivers too cogent, brilliant a speech among adults.


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