

An abundance of nutrient-rich pollution in estuaries causes algae to _____________, much as houseplants grow better when their soil contains added fertilizer.
The stories of silent drama may often have been _____; yet, within those broad outlines, the true artists among silent-film actors could express shadings that had no immediate analogue in language.
He defended the government`s equivocations regarding the mysterious contrail as resulting not from _____ as critics say, but from a benightedness about its own doings that is almost inevitable, given the multitudinous- ness of its agencies.
Scientists have argued not only that the chains of atoms called ladder compounds have _____ theoretical interest but also that studies of such systems can lead to important practical applications.
The professor frequently reiterated a basic assumption behind the experimental method--- namely, that the outcome of the experiment is always (i)_____. The hypothesis can never assume the experiment`s results, in other words, but instead must (ii)_____ their appearance.
Hyana Kusiemko and her colleagues speculate that the (i)_____ support among low-income works for increases in the minimum wage is a form of last-place aversion: people who are in a marginally better position than the worst off seek to (ii)_____ to distinguish themselves from those in last place.
Unlike the elected branches of the United States government, where making personal connection with citizens is (i)_____ and almost (ii)_____ political efficacy, the United States Supreme Court continues to maintain that its members should communicate with the public almost exclusively through formal opinions—and even then through ceremonial rituals that date back to the nineteenth century.
Part of what currently makes it so (i)_____ to arrive at a scientific understanding of the living world is that while technological advances have produced a cascade of data—from detailed genome sequence to the sophisticated satellite imagery that documents the planet's ecosystems—our ability to (ii)_____ these data still lags far behind their (iii)_____.
In the wild, no other mammal _____ individuals from another species: badgers do not tend hares, deer do not nurture baby squirrels, lions do not care for giraffes.
Recent research runs counter to the long-cherished notion that a small drop in body temperature during and after surgery is either _____ or actually protects the patient by slowing metabolism and reducing the body`s demand for blood and oxygen.
In the northeastern United States, beaver populations had been critically reduced or even _____ in large areas at the end of nineteenth century; as a result, several states instituted prohibitions on beaver trapping.
Laughter, like speech, is primarily a human faculty, although both functions may also exist in a more _____ form in lesser primates.
Contrary to its reputation for intellectual _____, the 1950s was a decade exceptionally rich in works of trenchant and far-reaching social criticism.
The philosopher was a strong advocate of _____: he taught that happiness comes from forgoing one`s desires.
In light of Elizabeth`s habitually (i)_____ nature, her friend were quite surprised by her (ii)_____ at the convention.
After Betty found a qualified assistant to help her, the tasks that once seemed so (i)_____ became quite (ii)_____.
Since the 1920s, historical fiction writers in China have emancipated the genre from the traditional notion that (i)_____ was the ultimate goal of history writing. Yet the traditional commitment to (ii)_____ was not simply (iii)_____: this new genre was expected to capture the essence of historical truth even as it allowed space for the writer`s imagination.
The journey to (i)_____, when it starts from a vantage as (ii)_____ as Dunsany's, is often as (iii)_____ as the path to glory. How did a writer of such talent and renown wind up nearly forgotten?
It is normal for artists who achieve great acclaim during their lifetimes to be considered _____ shortly after their deaths, only to have their reputations restored by subsequent generations.
Human perception is not a direct consequence of reality but rather requires imagination, because the data that people encounter in their lives are never complete and always _____.


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