

In sharp contrast to the novel`s scenic realism and precisely characterized figure is its persistent philosophical _____.
Estimating demographic parameters in marine mammals is challenging, often requiring many years of data to achieve sufficient precision to _____ biologically meaningful change.
Many Latin American writers and critics have come to bristle at the very mention of the type of fiction termed "magic realism", but to the common reader the appeal of such fiction is ____________.
Shirky argues that the Internet (i)_____ the needs for hierarchical structures and the sluggish organizations that (ii)_____ them: the Internet makes it possible to do things cheaply and efficiently on one's own.
Not only is the field of behavioral genetics strewn with (i)_____ findings, but even among those findings that managed to survive, many have turned out to be (ii)_____ a very restricted class of cases.
The prime minister`s spokesman faces a difficult task in defending his boss from what he sees as the (i)_____ of a decidedly prejudiced press. To make his defense effectively he will certainly have to give specific examples of the media coverage he finds so (ii)______.
However luminous an insight might seem initially, brilliance is not a reliable predictor of (i)_____, and sure enough the history of physical chemistry is replete with theories that were as (ii)_____ as any but that (iii)_____.
Many historians of the ancient world are wary of sounding (i)_____. Write so much as a sentence and the temptation is immediately to (ii)_____ it. Even in cases when the sources for a given event are (iii)_____, uncertainties and discrepancies crop up everywhere.
Governments are often willing to pay the direct costs of preparing for emergencies that may never happen: they make room in their budgets to prepare for _____ but unlikely events.

Sports stars are often _____ figures, regarded as representative of the city or country for which they compete.
The life of a secret agent is dangerous enough, but the life of a double agent is infinitely more ______: a single slip can send an agent crashing to destruction.
The writer`s assignment of the critic includes personal _____ such as jibes about his physical girth and style of delivery, and is not the better for it.
Paintings created in India during the Mughal dynasty were _____ in ambition but ornamental in presentation: in one direction they have an affinity with newspaper photographs, while in the other they have the intricacy of jewels.
It remains a mystery how Theobroma cacao, which scholars believe originated in lowland Amazonia, was introduced to tropical Mesoamerica. It must have been a (i)_____ process: cacao trees do not easily sprout from seed, need years to mature, and grow only in humid lowland forest. Moreover, in a tropical climate, cacao pods spoil quickly, rendering their transport from lowland Amazonia tropical Mesoamerica in a single journey by foot or canoe (ii)_____.
To the avid reader of E.O. Wilson, much of his most recent book Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge will be (i)_____, as the book represents the culmination of a life spent thinking about everything from the social lives of ants to the social lives of people. Nonetheless, new thoughts have been mixed in with the old to produce a book remarkable for its (ii)_____ and ambition.
Until the advent of film, commercial entertainment in England occurred only where concentrated urban populations provided audiences large enough to make it remunerative: theaters and music halls were (i)_____ in rural villages. But village cinemas quickly become (ii)_____, even though they were ramshackle affairs in comparison to the urban picture palaces.
His new role gives the normally clownish actor a chance to impress audiences with his (i)_____. He is among the most uninhibited comic performers around, but here he buttons his lip and stares straight ahead. Perhaps without quite knowing it, the audience waits for a wink, a hint that some of the (ii)_____ spirit that animated his previous movies might be lurking inside the (iii)_____ manner he presents in this film.
Some climatologists dismiss as (i)_____ the debate among geophysicists over the role of carbon dioxide in global climate change across many millions of years. These climatologists say the evidence of a tie between carbon dioxide and planetary warming over the last few centuries is so (ii)_____ that any longer-term evidence against such a link must somehow be (iii)______.
A priori mathematics, according to Galileo, does not _____ the need for observation, but mathematics does allow us to deduce unobservable properties and thus to penetrate further into the structure of nature than observation does.
One of the peculiarities of humans is that we irrationally gravitate to the predictable and avoid risk, whatever the reasons for this _____, it is hardly a sound basis for dealing with complex, long-term problems.


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