

Individuals interested in longevity have sought to fine-tune their bodies with all kinds of _____ diets: only raw foods; only plant; only the flesh, fruit, and nuts that prehistoric humans would have hunted and foraged.
The baseball players performance during last night's game was impressive, although not _____; others have performed similar feats.
The laboratory maze has grown ever less _____ since it was first invented instead of hoping to lose a rodent in a labyrinth; today`s scientists design mazes to elicit a few simple, easily measured behaviors.
Studies of hermaphroditic plants may exhibit sampling bias against self-fertilizing and cross-fertilizing species, thus inflating the frequency of species using a mixed mating system (both self-fertilizing and cross-fertilizing); nevertheless the number of mixed-system species is not _____.
A curiosity of the film Vertigo is its capacity to generate emotional power from a plot that lacks the most of elementary _____: viewers are required to accept not an isolated implausibility, but a continuous stream of them.
It was fine to be (i)_____ in the old days when papers were still not losing readers and ad revenue was not tough to come by, but many editors today are uneasy about bludgeoning their readers with the inherently (ii)_____ work of cartoonists.
Some academic criticism of popular novels has been (i)_____ in character, being based on the assumption that the wider the appeal, the more (ii)_____ the novel.
The order applies to all Federal agency whose actions may affect the status of invasive species and requires agencies to identify such actions and to the extent practicable and permitted by law, and since invasive species severely reduce the number of native species and even (i)_____ their existence, the agency has determined and made public its determination that the benefits of such actions clearly outweigh the potential harm caused by invasive species; and that all feasible and (ii)_____ measures to (iii)_____ risk of harm of the introduction of invasive species will be taken in conjunction with the actions.
Conventionally, the ultimate measure of a scientific work`s validity is how broadly and confidently its conclusions become accepted in the relevant field, which in turn (i)_____ the extent to which its findings are replicated and extended. However, establishing such validity, especially for a novel experimental finding, can take years, and what (ii)_____ replication or extension may be (iii)_____ for some time.
While the group's street protests assumed an assertory uncompromising tenor, once admitted to the halls of power to begin formal lobbying, the group's leadership wisely chose to _____ the stridency of their rhetoric.
His own writing style was _____: colorful and tart in its choice of language, willing to run risks in its allusions, metaphors, and verbal juxtapositions, prone to irreverent conclusions designed to surprise or startle.
Debate rages on between proponents of corporal punishment and the death penalty and their detractors, though even the most rabid supporter agrees that punishments must be _____ and the justice system evenhanded and thorough.
Miller reminded his clients that labor relationship are inherently _____; the interests of business owners are diametrically opposed to those of employees.
The threat of litigation makes the art authentication industry _____ realm: connoisseurs refuse to communicate in writing and confidential agreements bind authenticators to silence.
Some of the areas of research covered in the collection have already attracted substantial scholarly interest, while others are more _____, hence requiring pioneering effort to map the territory and suggest productive avenues of inquiry.
Since he had demonstrated (i)_____ talent as an amateur, several of his acquaintances (ii)_____ a career on the stage, but he followed his parents` wishes, becoming an engineer.
In the past, the discussion of artificial light had been (i)_____. When electrification spread, the talk of artificial light became (ii)_____, perhaps because the material was more familiar. Distance lends enchantment.
Saul's particular combination of intellectuality and vitality was not paradoxical; it was category-shattering. (i)_____ was, in a way, his very theme. Was ever a bookish soul so cracklingly unmediated, so (ii)_____ raw life? He was as vivid physically as he was mentally, almost perversely alert, completely at home in the world of matter, repulsed by (iii)_____.
The difficulty for nineteenth-century advocates of the claim that forests helped regulate climate was that their argument (i)_____ historical anecdote and observations. Proving the forest-climate link through verifiable and experimental scientific means rather than observation was (ii)_____ for these individuals, a situation that eventually led to the link (iii)_____ justifications for forest conservation.
Even the man was reserved in his speech, he thoroughly understood his mother, which made him far from _____ as people usually thought.


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