

Today the chair of task force in charge of revising the psychiatric diagnostic manual is _____ post—people work for years to position themselves as candidates—but in the early 1970s, descriptive psychiatry was a backwater.
The astronomer admits that his interpretation of so-called Population III stars is _____ at present since no one has yet done any real calculations to see if it holds up under closer scrutiny.
Excessive focus on what might have been can cause in us feelings of restlessness and regret, but some scientists are beginning to think that fancying an alternative reality might have _____ effects as well.
Although his friends insisted that his black garb was simply depressing, Peter felt just the opposite—that it gave him an air of upbeat, __________ maturity.
The actor's performance was so absurdly _____ that Gwen felt a little ashamed to have to resort to tissues in the final scene.
To contrast the demeanor of Austen's clergy-man brothers James and Henry with that of Mr. Collins, the much-abused figure of fun in Pride and Prejudice, is instructive, for where the Austen brothers were properly (i)_____ to their social superiors and benevolent to their dependents, the odious Mr. Collins was invariably (ii)_____ to his betters, fawning in particular on his patron, Lady Catherine de Burgh.
The company president's reputation for unflappability could easily be understood upon observing her (i)_____ performance during a particularly (ii)_____ board meeting.
Women in the mining towns of the American West were strictly stereotyped into neat categories of public and private, good and bad, but the 100 intrepid female prospectors in Zanjani`s book managed to (i)_____ those categories. In addition to providing documentation that demolishes the all-male version of prospecting, Zanjani uses the examples of her female loners to (ii)_____ some of the (iii)_____ generalizations about Euro-American women as uniformly nurturant and sociable pioneers.
The usual (i)_____ spending public monies on scientific projects is that such projects have the potential to make our lives healthier, safer, and more productive. However, the fact that science–even “pure” science–can strengthen democracy and promote public participation in the political process is hardly ever (ii)_____. It should be Scientific literacy (iii)_____ democracy, and this is an important ancillary benefit of the promotion of science.
The territory's tradition of simple and low taxes, combined with a comparatively easygoing government, has earned it the _____ of its citizens and is widely seen as a main reason for its stunning rise to prosperity.
Although the parents do not think highly of the educational system “as a whole”, they fail to treat teachers with _____ equally.
Economic growth has been identified as a _____ for poor countries to eradicate poverty, but this prescription also triggers great environmental concerns.
In mathematics, judgments about the validity of proofs are mediated by peer-reviewed journals; to ensure _____, reviewers are carefully chosen by journal editors, and the identity of scholars whose papers are under consideration are kept secret.
During the Renaissance, history was thought to be _____: it supplied instances of good and bad behavior in the past, thus informing the ethical precepts of the present.
History teaches us that science is not _____ enterprise; indeed, it is quite the opposite, a motley assortment of tools designed to safeguard researchers against their own biases.
In the 1980s, many historians sounded urgent calls for $$(i)\underline{\hspace{2.5cm}}$$ in American historical writing, as longer and longer monographs on smaller subjects were being written—dazzling studies, but pieces of a puzzle no one was putting together. This scholarship was not illuminating the central themes of history but $$(ii)\underline{\hspace{2.5cm}}$$.
There has been (i)_____ elephant's fabled mental capacities until recently, when these behavioral observations have begun to be (ii)____ by brain science. MRI scans of an elephant's brain suggest that even relative to its overall size it has a large hippocampus, the component in the mammalian brain linked to memory and an important part of its limbic system, which is involved in precessing emotions.
The limitations of human attention cause us to miss much of what goes on around us. The real problem here is that we are often (i)_____ these limitations: we think that we see the world as it really is, but our ostensibly reliable visual experience (ii)_____ striking mental (iii)_____.
Most advocates of space exploration by the United States would not explicitly associate spaceflight with (i)_____, yet that belief, Launius and McCurdy write, is among the roots of arguments (ii)_____ human spaceflight. Throughout United States history there has been (iii)_____–seek utopia–on the frontier, and many space advocates have used that notion to make their case for exploring and settling space.
The sociologist argued that criminal behavior is an impermanent condition because it is the result of cyclical forces operating through _____ factors, not the manifestation of deeply rooted personal characteristics.


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