

The (i)______ of the entrepreneur that the microfinance boom has helped foster is understandably appealing. But thinking that everyone is, and should be, an entrepreneur can encourage a tendency to (ii)_____ the virtues of larger businesses and the income that a steady job can provide.
The geographer held a (i)________ view of the succession of theoretical trends( environmental determinism, spatial determinism, and various types of critical theory) in her field, maintaining that theory can (ii)________ what is transpiring in a complex environment by focusing excessively on the favored schemes and variables of the moment.
There may be something (i)________ about the very idea of jest, because it obeys no rules. The art of caricature, by contrast, is (ii)________.
Rocke`s history of the emergence of the theory of chemical structure encapsulates over 30 years of research on nineteenth-century chemistry. This is (i)________, since structure theory emerged gradually through the efforts of a network of chemists distributed across several countries. Rocke focuses on just a few key figures, a strategy that necessarily involves some (ii) _______ of detail but that leads to (iii)________ account of the subject.
Many innovative breakthroughs come about when people venture beyond their own areas of expertise, because often it takes an outsider to ask the naïve questions that may yield________ solution.
In 1839, working-class revolution have been a real possibility in the industrialized countries of western Europe, but because revolutionary groups were poorly organized and led, government and employers regarded the movements with understandable________.
The panel`s failure to acknowledge the microbiologist as important in her field cannot be________ a lack of accomplishment on her part, since her status as an important contributor to biology has been indisputably established.
Meera Mukherjee observed that while the work of the artisan has its well-defined contours, the artist is without palpable________: like an explorer, the artist continually faces new regions of experience.
Dialogue exchanges indicating deep-seated rivalries among the characters abound in the novel, but they are almost always associated with________ events—everyday commercial transactions, for instance, or the preparation of an evening meal.
Intuitively, something is considered to the matter if, and only if, there is mass along with energy and/or momentum associated with it. In other words, possession of mass along with energy and/or momentum is regarded as (i)________, rather than (ii)________, property of matter.
Around the early 1980s, technology companies began creating the first portable machines that resemble today`s laptop computers. Still, for many years, large and bulky desktop computers (i)________ the market, because you always had to (ii)________ something for portability. Compared with laptops, desktops had more power, bigger screens, more comfortable keyboards, and more storage space.
Her lecture was entertaining though unoriginal: she hoped that by (i)________ her audience, she could (ii)________ the hackneyed observations on which her argument depended.
In general memoirs focus sharply on particular, and particularly memorable, events rather than on the entire life. This (i)________ structure inevitably emphasizes drama at the expense of (ii)________.
The danger often facing authors of satirical works is that if the audience is not (i)________ the joke, the piece may end up (ii)________ the behavior it was trying to (iii)________.
We hold our breath so naturally and casually that it may come as a surprise to learn that the full details of this ability still________ scientists.
Spiderwebs suspended on flexible supports________ even in low airflow in patterns that are erratic, enhancing the probability of insect capture over a volume of space.
Human and animal shyness are not________: in humans, shyness refers to an individual`s awkwardness and apprehension in social situations, a different meaning than that used for animals.
In a major________ for bat populations in the United States, on average 90 percent of the hibernating bats in four important caves and mines in New York died in the space of one year.
It ought to be surprising that the bank falsified the numbers on its accounts; it is truly shocking that such________ was documented, in black and white, and that regulators found it and did nothing about it.
It is possible to (i)________ the benefits of diplomatic dialogue, because although it can certainly alleviate some of the problems that afflicts us, it is not a (ii)_________.


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