

In years prior to the Civil War, Philadelphia's African American press encouraged readers to be vaccinated against the smallpox. This journalistic campaign was initially (i)________, appealing to readers' sense of communal duty, and became even more (ii)________ once the war started, as smallpox outbreaks began to occur on Philadelphia's city skirts.
While Kwame Gyekye (i)________ that the distinction made in Akan thought between the nonsensible world(unperceivable) and the sensible world(the perceivable) (ii)________, he acknowledges that nonsensible causation is seen as a deeper kind of explanation by the Akan.
Lohr`s (i)_______ the trappings of literary celebrity creates a Romantic aura for him: by distancing himself from all public discourse about himself or his work, Lohr becomes an even greater, albeit more (ii)________, celebrity than most authors manage in all their interviews and memoirs.
Both inquiries were pushed forward by obsessive, heavy-handed investigators with political agendas; both dragged on interminably, with investigators ultimately chasing after details (i) ____________ the original alleged offenses. And just as the first inquiry long ago grew too (ii)____________ for most citizens to grasp, in the same way the second inquiry hinged on immunological experiments so (iii)____________—and produced so many conflicting interpretations of the allegedly fabricated experimental records—that impartial observers rarely knew what to believe.
The historian argued that________ are essential to science, claiming that these inherited and untested beliefs often form the conceptual framework necessary for further research.
Conchita evinced________ the arts: her favorite activities included visiting museums, attending plays or concerts, and reading poetry aloud.
Computerized facial-recognition systems can be ________ by any number of factors, from the dirt caked on a camera lens to a hat pulled low over a subject's face.
Since their first appearance in the nineteenth century, commuter suburbs have been widely________ in print as both a social disaster and an aesthetic desert.
The researchers theorized that people in power focus so keenly on their own prerogatives that they become oblivious to those around them and that their subordinates, not wanting to provoke the boss, ______this process.
With Robert Lowell`s death, poetry appears to have shrunk from the ground he commandeered: his grand conception of the poet as public conscience has ______ in the present era of notably small and private poems.
Ifeanyi Menkiti claims that changes in a person`s qualities over time are ontologically (i)________. That is, he argues that a person in her youth and that same person in her old age are fundamentally different people (i.e., they are ontologically distinct). This difference is not merely one of characteristics but one of (ii)________.
The irony of digital networking is that it can produce more (i)__________ than did the geographical confinement it supposedly transcended. As human interactions become (ii)__________ physical location, people are less likely to have regular dealings with others who do not share the same values and outlooks.
The (i)__________ of community ecology and population ecology is (ii)__________ insofar as the two subdisciplines partly address issues at different hierarchical levels and different spatial and temporal scales. But it is harmful insofar as it (iii)__________ the fields` mutual enrichment.
For feminist scholars, Kessler-Harris`s concern that the term "labor history" (i)__________ images of male workers exclusively may be (ii)__________; her own immense contributions to the field offer evidence that feminism has (iii)__________ the questions posed by labor historians, moving women`s concerns from the periphery closer to the center of labor history writing.
The book is impressively________, drawing from multiple disciplines and perspectives, and resting on diverse and extensive archival sources, autobiographies, published collections of letter, and works of history.
French`s tone was reasonable, ________ almost, but the gaze she fixed on Backhouse over her reading spectacles had something of defiance in it.
Potential readers may well be put off by the rather opaque quality of the prose in this book, which at times seems deliberately __________ the uninitiated reader.
One can only bemoan how the wonderfully rich collections of genuine fossil specimens seen of yore in museum displays are being replaced by the __________ talking plastic of so-called virtual reality.
The development of junior high schools in American education was motivated by________ rather than by pedagogical validity: these schools provided an efficient and inexpensive way to eliminate overcrowding in the high schools.
In considering human behavior, theoreticians tend to emphasize cognition in spite of the fact that psychological research suggests the________ of affect: it suggests that our behavior derives above all from fast, automated emotional judgements.


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