

The reason geological activity on Mars is so (1)_____while on Earth it remains (2)______ is that Earth`s diameter is about twice the size of Mars`. Because Mars is smaller than Earth, it cooled faster, and therefore it lost the internal heat that drives tectonic activity.
The archaeologist argues that botanists have often (i)_______ the role of human agency in the dispersal of floral species, pointing out that a range of plants that botanists formerly thought to be (ii)______were actually introduced to Australia by people in the recent and distant past.
Among geophysicists there was considerably less (i)_________ the proposed environment measure than the (ii)_______ media accounts of the conference would suggest: the debate was often animated but never uncivil.
Genetic researchers have recently suggested that our political learnings may be determined by our DNA, a view that tends to undermine our reflective self-flattery. We (i)___________ the idea that personal politics are entirely (ii)_______. The genetic explanation for ideology (iii)__________ our belief that we are persuaded only by rational arguments.
For literary critics and book reviewers, the notion of critical authority has become ______in an age of quick, teeming Internet response, where all the old critical standards and parameters are in the process of being reinvented.
Rosen argues that in the early years of the United States, individual states played important roles in the governance of American Indians, thereby ________ the common assumption that Indian policy was exclusively the federal government's domain.
Katherine`s disobedient behavior earned her a ______ from her parent.
Building the first United States transcontinental phone line required fundamental innovations: for example, engineers created an amplifier for the electric signals to prevent them from ______ after a few miles.
While the hyperbole throughout the book is trying and does little to ______matters, it is not as worrying as the inaccuracies that accompany the book`s outdated exposition.
While Fernandez-Armesto has amply documented the commercial, migratory, scientific, or religious motives of explorers throughout history, it is often harder to ________ the motives of modern explorer.
Far from being (i)_______ the corporate world because of cutbacks, serious scientific researchers are playing a growing role in innovation in certain firms. The explanation for this apparent paradox is that innovative companies are not looking for full-time scientists; they want moonlighting academics, professors (ii)_______ to work temporary projects.
The enlightenment philosophers of the eighteenth century acknowledged that unrestricted freedom to publish could (i)_______ motivated by envy or hatred, but they hoped that any such (ii)_________ enabled by expanded liberties would suffer from being publicly exposed.
The man was an avowed (i)_____: he made no secret of his disdain for (ii)______ endeavor.
Greenhouse gases emitted into atmosphere are virtually permanent, and because they (i)_________ in the atmosphere, their effects is (ii)_______. These facts necessitate that policies related to greenhouse gases differ from policies related to various pollutants whose effects are (iii)______ and often temporary.
If aging is merely an avoidable by-product of life rather than a necessary progression, it is possible that we might eventually forestall ________.
The idea that Jim was ______, that he loved fighting for the sake of fighting, was a mistake, in reality he was a kind and gentle person.
Experiments have shown that it is shockingly easy to elicit a sense of ________ among a group of strangers:just tell them they`ll be working together as a team.
Ursula Le Guin claims that looking at schoolbooks from around 1900 can be________, given that the level of literacy and general cultural knowledge expected of a mere ten-year-old was, she notes, "rather awesome".
If the African farmers face a soil fertility problem, providing funding for fertilizer seems________; closer examination of data raises some troubling questions, however.
For the early years of the twentieth century, ecology remained essentially a ______ science: ecologists went into the field, counted plants and animals, made lists, and that was pretty much that.


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