The description of humans as having an internal clock is not a (i)_____. Or rather, it is—you do not have a tiny watch in your cerebellum—but it also refers to (ii)_____, a specialized bundle of cells that regulates cyclical processes.
The author of this biography gives an accurate and (i)_____ account of the subject's life story, but all the carefully assembled detail fails to compensate for the general lack of (ii)_____ in her writing.
Firebaugh and Beck contend that economic development improves the overall well-being of people within developing countries. However, other scholars emphasize the (i)_____ of this view, empirically demonstrating that while economic development does in fact contribute to the well-being of the population of developing countries, the magnitude of development`s positive effects on well-being has (ii)_____. In other words, these scholars suggest that (iii)_____ economic development and human well-being is taking place in developing countries.
Applications of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) have fared best in contexts in which habitat condition is closely linked to species condition and the cause of habitat degradation is easily identified. The achievements of the ESA in those contexts, however, have (i)_____ that other uses of the act can (ii)_____ that record even where such favorable conditions do not (iii)_____.
Shifting Fortunes take a conventional approach to American union history by simply explaining the reasons behind union growth and decline in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: it is a chronologically and thematically _____ study and nothing more.
A clever form of diplomacy involves subtly inducing the other party to propose your preference so that your _____ their requests appears as the granting of concession.
Scientist reported last month on a sign of relative solar _____; the solar wind, a rush of charged particles continually spewed from the Sun at a million miles an hour, had diminished to its lowest level in 50 years.
The author takes issue with the ideological blinders that have distorted much migration research, especially ____ modernization theorists and others for their untested assumptions of an immobile preindustrial past.
In one theory, as people learn things throughout the day, connections between neurons get strengthened, but during sleep then all synapses are weakened, tenuous connections are _____ and only the strongest bonds could remain.
While the writer was best known for her much-ballyhooed _____, her impact reached far beyond memorable quips.
Although she admitted that her airport expansion plan had recently collapsed, the governor (i)_____ the significance of the failure, pointing out that competing economic development proposals are now more (ii)_____.
Assessing otters' environmental requirements is surprisingly (i)___________. One reason for this has to do with establishing how much they use different areas. Doing so may be (ii)____________ in some kinds of terrain,such as Shetland, where the Eurasian otters are active in daytime and have clear individual markings. There it is possible to recognize individuals over stretches of coast of a few kilometers and to see what kinds of coast they use. However, those kinds of field conditions are (iii)____________.
Even the reader acquainted with the outlines of Pushkin`s biography will be (i)_____ the (ii)_____ so vividly conveyed in Binyon`s biography. Not only was Pushkin`s personal correspondence intercepted and his movements (iii)_____, but Tsar Nicholas I`s decision to oversee Pushkin`s career obliged Pushkin to submit all his manuscripts for inspection.
While normal floods resulting from usual monsoon rainfall are _____ the growth of crops, recently there has been an increase in the frequency of high-intensity floods that do not have such welcome effects.
The difficulty of reforming electoral politics is not lack of the right tools but the need to put them into the hands of impartial agents: the goal should be to build capacity while _____ partisanship.
That guild of experts has always appraised the economic stimulation plan as bootless, while the advocates of the policy do not take their _____ evaluation for granted.
In noting that critical and popular opinions about Li's art coincided, Chuang _____ the existence of an exception to her general theory of art criticism, which posits that critics' views do not intersect with those of the general public.
One baffling aspect of the novel is its capacity to generate emotional power from a plot that lacks the most elementary _____: readers must accept not an occasional coincidence, but a continuous stream of them.
Though humanitarian emergencies are frequent features of television news, such exposure seldom _____ the public, which rather seems resigned to a sense of impotency.
Partly because of Lee's skill at synthesizing (i)_____ trends drawn from many fields of study, her theories appeared to present, with uncanny aptness, ideas already (ii)_____ in the minds of her contemporaries.