

Even though intelligence may be quite (i)_____, and even though scientists may have made frustratingly (ii)_____ progress in understanding it, many experts on intelligence still think that the potential (iii)_____ of the quest to understand intelligence make it worth continuing. For instance, a brain-based understanding of intelligence may help teachers design strategies for educating children more effectively.
_____ the notion that attention is a limited resource, scientists have found lots of evidence that drivers with cell phones drives slower and are more apt to miss important details than drivers who drive solely on the road.
The university's once _____ department of economic history has lost prestige and transmogrified into a department of management and marketing.
Compared to Earth over most of its 4 to 6-billion-year history, the world we live in today is quite (i)_____. Of course, it is human nature to regard the world that we are used to as (ii)_____. The oceans, prairies, and mountain chains—even the air we breathe—seem the norm and therefore (iii)_____.
The beauty of the scientific approach is that even when individual researchers do _____ bias or partiality, others can correct them using a framework of evidence on which everyone broadly agrees.
The reconstruct known work is beautiful and also probably _____: it is the only Hebrew verse written by a woman.
In a book that inclines to _____, an epilogue arguing that ballet is dead arrives simply as one more overstatement.
The skin of the poison dart frog contains deadly poisons called batrachotoxins. But the (i)_____ of the toxins has remained an enigma, as the frog does not (ii)_____ them. Now an analysis suggests that the melyrid beetle is the source. Collected beetle specimens all contained batrachotoxins, suggesting that these beetles are (iii)_____ by the frogs.
Most capuchin monkey conflict involves such a (i)_____ repertoire of gestural and vocal signals that it is difficult for researchers to tease apart the meanings of the individual signals. This (ii)_____ is (iii)_____ by the fact that many signals seem to shift in meaning according to the context in which they are produced and the developmental stage of the individuals producing them.
During the Renaissance, the use of optical lenses, which were capable of projecting images onto blank canvases, greatly aided artists by allowing them to accurately observe and depict the external world; in other words, these lenses were instrumental in conveying _____.
The professor's habitual air of _____ was misleading front, concealing amazing reserves of patience and a deep commitment to his students' learning.
Though we live in an era of stunning scientific achievement, many otherwise educated people remain indifferent to or contemptuous of such achievement, even going so far as to _____ their ignorance of basic physics.
The great (i)_____ of most books that examine the American presidency is their ideological bias, but for most part, this volume on the presidency maintains an impressive degree of (ii)_____.
Many of the towns that have voted to keep incinerators in the county's solid waste plan have done so not because they necessarily (i)_____ incinerators, but because they are (ii)_____ to narrow their waste-disposal options.
In mathematics, judgments about the validity of proofs are mediated by peer-reviewed journals; to ensure _____, reviewers are carefully chosen by journal editors, and the identity of scholars whose papers are under consideration are kept secret.
Since some contemporary Western dieticians believe that the only function of food is to provide nourishment, these dieticians view an emphasis on the aesthetic dimension of the culinary arts as _____.
In the last two hundreds years, the practice of archaeology has changed greatly, from digging up ancient artifacts for use by wealthy individuals as art objects to analyzing the detritus of everyday life in the laboratory, and thus from _____ to data collection.
What they see in Tanaka is the one candidate capable of (i)_____ leadership, in direct contrast to Williamson , whose term in office has been marred by (ii)_____.
Readers may initially be irked by the book's apparent (i)_____ but, once immersed in the author's prose, they may come to regard the work's (ii)_____ as an asset.
Unambiguous texts can allow their readers to (i)_____ them quickly, but ambiguous texts can have the attractive (ii)_____ of multiple possible interpretations, all of which can be considered equally (iii)_____, and none of which is the single true meaning.


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