

Without seeming unworldly, William James appeared wholly removed from the _____ of society, the conventionality of academy.
The (i)_____ to disseminate the vast scientific knowledge of our time to nonscientists shows real (ii)_____ the extent of achievements humanity is capable of, like allowing a great work of art to molder in a warehouse.
A transformative scientific idea that emerged in the eighteenth century was the realization that slow, inexorable geological processes follow the basic laws of physics and chemistry. This seems (i)_____ conclusion in hindsight, but its implication—that geological processes in the distant past must have (ii)_____ these very same laws—was (iii)_____ geologists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
It is possible for human to go 40 or more hours without sleep and still be able to (i)_____ information acquired at the beginning of the sleepless period. Thus, when we are considering a role for sleep in human memory consolidation, we are referring to a possible role in the (ii)_____ encoding of information and optimizing of recall, not a (iii)_____ of sleep for recalling events of the prior day.
Communicating articulately is typically regarded as an aggressive, persuasive talent, but it can also be protective: it allows a certain _____ closeness, conveying proximity while actually maintaining distance.
The Chavez Pass archaeological site was initially interpreted as indicative of _____ society, since it was thought to have been at the center of a cluster of smaller, contemporary settlements that it presumably controlled.
Although the essayist`s arguments did not _____ her most perceptive readers, the extreme subtlety of the points she made explains why she was misinterpreted by most critics of her day.
Architects may be more extroverted and therefore the more _____ members of a bridge design team, but they are not always the most essential.
The maps in this volume are meant not as guides but as _____: they are designed to make the reader think anew about the city.
Carmen`s affection for her sister, though not _____, was plainly too great to permit a painless departure.
Argument may be an overly (i)_____ word to apply to the gossamer contrivance that is A Summer of Humming birds. In what seems a self-conscious (ii)_____ of its mascot the book flits from one subject or moment in history to another, following the various whims of its author.
The contemporary trend whereby fashion designers flout mainstream tradition is unique only in its (i)_____; earlier fashion designers experience the same (ii)_____ impulse, albeit in a less extreme form.
Behavior economists found that the more (i)_____ options listed on the insurance make people all the more offish to endorse, partly because they hope to (ii)_____ some (iii)_____ in order to get a measure of peace of mind.
The slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the period of recovery from a recession, but the conditions that conspired to cause the recession were also (i)_____. The stock market declined sharply, and rampant business investment slumped. Then an ensuing spate of scandals (ii)_____ public trust in the way companies were run. And yet, despite these powerful (iii)_____ to growth, the recession proved surprisingly mild.
Citing the corruption and intrigue that pervaded politics in the city, my colleague _____ the newspaper`s trove of journalism prizes, declaring that finding great stories in the city must be effortless.
When studying the ancient Greek astronomers, Copernicus realized that despite the intrinsic beauty of many of their arguments, the ancients often made claims that _____ logic.
Films that critics have slumbered through rarely generate industry excitement, even though the critics' _____ reception may be less the fault of the movie than of its unfortunate time slot near a fatiguing film festival's conclusion.
Even though his opponent is currently trying to portray him as a wild-eyed radical, voters will likely reject this charge because it does not _____ his moderate political record.
Neuroscientists are excited by technological progress that facilitates brain mapping, the most _____ of them comparing their growing abilities to tremendous advances that led to unimaginable success of the Human Genome Project.


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