

Some novelists immodestly idealized and exaggerated the significance of their work, but others, _____ to exalt the role of the writer, question a transcendent view of the art.
In her works, she (i)_____ confidence. She gets excessively (ii)_____ to authorities, even when rejecting their views.
The trade in scientific literature in nineteenth-century Germany was so robust that publisher constantly worried about (i)_____ of new titles, an anxiety that gave even relatively undistinguished authors, who made their living writing technical treatises, (ii)_____.
Laws protecting intellectual property are intended to stimulate creativity, yet some forms of creative work have never enjoyed legal protection—a situation that ought to be of great interest. If we see certain forms of creative endeavor (i)_____ as a result of uncontrolled copying, we might decide to (ii)_____ intellectual property law. Conversely, if unprotected creative work (iii)_____ in the absence of legal rules against copying, we would do well to know how such flourishing is sustained.
A cure for the common cold has been so elusive that it has become a modern symbol of _____.
The dictator's gleaming military uniform and imperial paraphernalia sharply contrast with the _____ fashion favored by most other contemporary political leaders.
If giant X-ray flares churn circumstellar disks enough to keep newborn planets, such as Earth once was, from spiraling into their suns, it would be an ironic twist on our conception of X-ray flares as _____.
Not only was this writer content to leave the reading public in the dark, she seems to have _____ the role of trickster, seeding her works with apparent clues that led nowhere.
Though many avant-garde writers _____ traditional distinctions among literary categories, combining elements of biography and fiction, prose and poetry, this fusion of forms has been slow to catch on with publishers.
By pointing out the self-serving nature of the governor`s motives for supporting the new health care policy, the columnist implied that the governor`s idealistic-sounding explanation of her position on the issue was almost certainty _____.
The documentation of Earth`s biodiversity is complicated by the (i)_____ taxonomists. Those experts in classifying species tent to be (ii)_____ North American and Europe, whereas most of the undocumented biodiversity is likely in the tropics.
Invention was (i)_____ the work of the ancient Greek historians, whose writings were filled with long and often purely fictitious speeches by great historical figures. The animating force in historical writing was rhetoric rather than (ii)_____. Even well into the eighteenth century, not a few historians continued to understand themselves as artists, given a license to invent.
Given children`s active fantasy lives, one might think of truthfulness as (i)_____ virtue in young children, but it turns out that lying is the more (ii)_____ skill. A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying (iii)_____ cognitive development and social skills in a way that honesty simply does not.
Traditional Vietnamese culture has long promoted the idea of gender equality. Founding myths (i)_____ the equal division of labor in child care for mothers and fathers. As is often the case, however, theoretical commitments are (ii)_____ actual processes. In reality, gender-based (iii)_____ persists.
Although the biography never explicitly assesses what role the dynamic between Mr. Merrill's parents might have played in the development of his personality, the author offers plenty of _____.
There are great _____ in countries' greenhouse gas emissions, especially in per capita terms: while the United States and China are similar in aggregate emissions, United States per capita emissions are a huge multiple of China's.
There is frequently a protracted time interval between the introduction of an innovative musical composition and its public acceptance; the concert-going public often spurns the _____ in favor of the familiar for a prolonged period.
The concept of the Hellenistic period in ancient history has proved useful but also _____, with scholars disagreeing on the dates when the period began and ended.
In the solar system, collisions involving cosmic object are among the most _____ processes shaping surfaces: images of many solar objects show a proliferation of impact craters formed throughout the past 4.5 billion years.
If the study proves that bears are still endemic to the area, the proposal to introduce additional bears of the same species will probably face less opposition, since the plan would then involve _____ a historic population, not trying to build population from scratch.


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