

Criticized for decades of overproduction in their signature line of derivative goods, Rectangle Record has satiated the market with a _____ of repackaged old CDs, which interferes with its ability to innovate and produce new albums.
His political view, harking back to the turmoil in the 1934, is a _____ with no bearing on the present.
Discussions of impending water shortages are often couched in apocalyptic rhetoric, yet if the language is somewhat _____, the basic message is sound: water is indeed scarce and growing scarcer.
Medieval cathedrals still stand as marvels of architecture, but as far as modern science is concerned, medieval physics and chemistry are simply irrelevant, at best a dead end, at worst the very _____ of what science is supposed to be.
In the years prior to the Civil War, Philadelphia's African American press encourage readers to be vaccinated against smallpox. This journalistic campaign was initially (i)_____, appealing to readers sense of communal duty, and became even more (ii)_____ once the war started, as smallpox outbreaks began to occur on Philadelphia's outskirts.
A hallmark of certain nineteenth-century mystery novels was the reform agenda of their authors, who ostensibly sought to expose economic injustice while depicting the seamy underside of urban life. In reality, however, these claims to a radical political agenda were often (i)_____ meant to give lurid thrillers the appearance of (ii)_____.
So (i)_____ is the reputation of the country's police for corruption and other forms of (ii)_____ that it has become a kind of tradition that every newly appointed police chief pledges to (iii)_____ the force.
The wealthy donor was known for his annual acts of (i)_____ throughout the community, but even more (ii)_____ was the fact that he was willing to get his hands dirty and serve the needy through hard physical labor as well as through (iii)_____ and gifts.
As a critic, Nelson is noteworthy for her _____: rather than presenting fully formed pronouncements, she is willing to let us watch as she works out her ideas.
Although in the mid-1970s nuclear power seemed poised for a still greater role in energy supply, in fact the _____ of its prestige had already begun.
The women's rights movement has been mostly _____ in the Middle East, but it is likely that activists will be newly galvanized by the political upheavals currently sweeping the region.
Beatified by the Catholic Church in 1765, Italian cleric Ludovico Sabbatini is _____ each year on the day of his death, June 11.
The physical layout of the laboratory, although well adapted to the research being pursued when it was built, was not _____, making a thorough redesign necessary before a proposed new experimental program could be undertaken.
Within the field of emotional intelligence research, disagreements remain about whether emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened or is _____ characteristic.
Though McDonough discusses (i)_____ the filmmaker's aesthetic principles, it is the description of the (ii)_____, the very vulgarity of the director's films, rather than McDonough's learned discourses on the aesthetics of the film, that makes the book so entertaining.
In our daily lives, we often (i)_____ our separate identities: you can have one identity at work and another online, for example. Such (ii)_____ disappear in certain circumstances, however, resulting in a cross-pollination of our different selves.
(i)_____ have often shrilled that Australia`s Great Barrier Reef is dying, a result of agricultural runoff from the (ii)_____ Queensland coast. In truth, the preservation of the reef (iii)_____, a combination of active government intervention and the beneficial effects of responsible tourism.
Industry sponsored scientific research on chemical safety often (i)_____. Media reports regularly imply that industry support of scientific work is alone sufficient to (ii)_____ that research. Even though the source of funding has been determined to be a less significant cause of bias than other factors, industry support suffices, in the minds of many people, to (iii)_____ the credibility of scientific work.
What they see in Jimenez is the one candidate capable of decisive leadership, in stark contrast to Diaz, whose team in office has been marred by _____.
The research informing Gregory's book on vegetarianism in Victorian England appears to be _____, with a great deal of revealing detail on display and more than a third of the text taken up with footnotes.


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