

Folmer`s book on Edith Wharton seems far removed from recent trends in literary criticism; this need not to be a fault, except that, in its title and introduction, the book (i)_____ to be conversant with contemporary discourse in the field, but in its actual analysis of Wharton`s work, it is marked by a very (ii)_____ approach.
The book is not comprehensive but is, instead, (i)_____ in the most positive sense:(ii)_____ rather than settles.
Although political events in different countries were not (i)_____ in the nineteen century, their interrelationship was (ii)_____ compared with the present, when interdependence has become far greater: (iii)_____ has ceased to be an option.
In adolescence, (i)_____ interactions are crucial in forging a self-identity. To be sure, this process often plays out in (ii)_____ as a means of defining and shoring up the sense of self. Kids will seek out like-minded companions, and spurn others who seem different. But when kept within reasonable bounds, this in-group (iii)_____ generally evolves into a more mature friendship pattern.
After many years of feeling _____ by his seniors managers, Clark was becoming hopeful of advancement.
Williamson had a fierce commitment to achieving an accord, spending enormous amount of time trying to forge a consensus out of an often _____ assembly.
Readers looking for another condemnation of private equity firms should look elsewhere, this book is not _____ such firms.
Many readers today consider the moral sentiments expressed in the ancient writers' work to be quite vapid, and in the seventeenth century they were similarly regarded as _____.
A new television documentary focuses on of the prime minister's defining contradiction, portraying her as a woman who cultivated an image of _____, but who liked to live grandly.
The author clearly supports the causes he writes about, but he is more a narrator than (i)_____. Some say he should have included more (ii)_____, but he is wise to let the fact speak for themselves. They are complex enough to prompt many kinds of interpretation, and he would bog down the complicated tale if he tried to adjudicate all of their competing claims.
One sometimes hears that Marco Polo introduced pasta to the Western world, having encountered it in China. This durable myth, which (i)_____ that nothing should have been known of pasta in Italy until 1295, when Marco Polo returned from the Far East, can easily be (ii)_____ by pointing out that there are Italian references to pasta that (iii)_____.
For almost two centuries, the German island of Sylt has offered various therapies for every conceivable (i)_____ from broken bones to liver complaints. The local mud, saltwater, thermal pools, and spas have been deemed (ii)_____ by the German medical system, which (iii)_____ some of these treatments. Consequently, the treatments are widely used.
His premiership, seemingly cast-iron year ago, is now so vulnerable that even a good day at the office does no more than buy him a few weeks of _____ from rebels within his own party.
Even before she went to art school, Veronica found the standard design categories _____: she didn't understand why designing buildings and designing tables should require different sensibilities.
The author engages this issue from diverse perspectives, supports his arguments with many examples, and manages to avoid antagonizing others in dealing with a very _____ subject.
Space is often referred to as the final frontier, as the only realm of which humankind has still to gain substantial understanding, yet the ocean is also another vast area about which our knowledge is _____.
The stories in Yiyun Li`s recent collection are distinctive particularly for the strong contrast between their emotional intensity and their consistently _____ tone.
The paleontologist examined the problem afresh, believing that the accepted classification _____ the essential continuity of the specimens by making specious distinctions among them.
Making loans and fighting poverty are normally two of the least glamorous pursuits around, but remarkably enough put the two together, and you have an economic innovation that has become not just (i)_____ but downright (ii)_____.
Biologists have little (i)_____ drawing the link between the success of humanity and human (ii)_____. Indeed, many biologists claim that this attribute, the ability to (iii)_____, or, to put it more sharply, to make individuals subordinate their self-interest to the needs of the group, lies at the root of human achievement.


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