

The author alludes to the howling sirens featured in some of Varese`s works to
The period between the two world wars (1918-1939)was characterized by a broadening of the definition of women`s roles in the United States. In 1920 American women won the right to vote, building on this right, some now participated actively in politics. Increasing numbers of middle-class women joined their working-class contemporaries in the workplace, and a small but growing minority of them continued working after marriage. Divorce rates increased as work patterns and women`s expectations of marriage changed. While these trends continued throughout the interwar period, their momentum was slowed in its later years, as the prosperity of the 1920s abruptly ended. Many Americans responded to the economic crisis of the 1930s by reasserting traditional value that discouraged women from entering traditionally male occupations.
The author mentions divorce rates in order to
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about American women in the workplace during the interwar period
Disagreements among bacteriologists about the role in bacterial motility of the tail-like structures called flagella began in the late nineteenth century. Whereas many influential figures in bacteriology argued that flagella were motor organs, others saw them as useless appendages. The main evidence in favor of flagella as motor organs was only that they were seen on most motile species and were not found on nonmotile ones, yet this conclusion had come to be accepted by the overwhelming majority of bacteriologists before the 1930s. A 1946 paper by Adrianus Pijper challenged this consensus, reviving an old theory on the basis of new evidence. The argument on which the accepted view was based, Pijper asserted, was bad logic, for it was just as likely that flagella could be a product of motion as its cause. His observations suggested that the flagella must be merely twirls of polysaccharide material that, because of the active gyration of the cell body, spun out behind the cell as it swan. Further, his claim that movement is accomplished by undulations of a flexible cell body and that the flagella are a nonessential product of motility suggested a simple explanation for the existence of very motile bacteria without flagella.

Since flagella were taken to be an important feature for purposes of classification, Pijer`s claims called into question the fundamental taxonomy of bacterial species. Not only were the flagella not motor organs, according to Pijper`s argument, they were ephemeral and nonessential, so that all attempts to use them in taxonomic schemes were doomed to hopeless confusion. In addition, Pijper`s claims brought up another important issue whereas most of those interested in bacterial motility in the 1940s were asking whether electron microscopy(EM), the ultracentrifuge, or other high-tech tools just being introduced into biology could provide insight into this problem, Pijper specifically argued that these techniques could not get at the essence of motility, and that priority should be given to observations made on living cells.

In light of later evidence that confirmed that flagella actually are the motor organs of bacteria, it may be tempting to conclude that Pijper was simply being irrational. But at the time of the controversy, the evidence was still ambiguous, and it is clear that a preexisting commitment to the power and prestige of the electron microscope on the part of Pijper`s opponents was at least as important in their opposition as was the strength of the evidence per se. Whereas the two camps disagreed about who had superior evidence, they disagreed because they held fundamentally differing assumptions about biology. Reflected and intensified by the personal stakes involved in, they have tied their careers to the fortunes of a particular experimental system.
It can be inferred that Pijper most likely supported his view of flagella by citing
According to the passage, Pijper`s claims about flagella are suggested in explanation for which of the following findings?
According to the passage, which of the following is true about that paper that Pijper wrote in 1946?
The passage suggests that Pijper and his opponents most likely agreed that
Modern scholarship`s view of women`s labor in Han dynasty China(206B.C.---A.D.220)shows women performing a wide variety of work roles. According to most modern scholars, for a household (the main economic organization in early Chinese society) to succeed economically, A man and a woman each had to work at many different kinds of gendered tasks. In contrast, writers during the Han dynasty, rather than emphasizing the multitude of daily tasks women performed, constructed an idealized representation of female labor, singling out cloth production as the most important job and linking it to the concept of successful womanhood. In reality, however, a woman who devoted herself to making cloth, ignoring other work, would have been considered irresponsible.
According to the passage, which of the following is true of Han dynasty writers' attitudes toward women and cloth production?
The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following evaluations of Han dynasty writers` views of labor?
As commerce thrived between 1780 and 1850, the British middle class adopted the economic customs of the older artisan and upper classes to manage their growing wealth. Families had once conducted business from their homes, now, as middle-class adult males became responsible for providing a separate household where their dependents could live genteel private lives, a new masculine identity emerged, centered on economic skills and increasingly identified with occupation. Early in this period, tasks associated with commerce had been regarded simply as activities, not as identities, and were often performed as private services to wealthy patrons. As middle-class men developed more independent, public ways of doing business, such tasks became associated with occupational titles requiring special qualifications, including systematic training. Formerly, religion and family ties had defined a man`s identity, increasingly, a man was what he did.
According to the passage, which of the following was characteristic of the masculine identity that emerged in the British middle-class between 1780-1850?
Which of the following, if true , would most strengthen the argument about masculine identity presented in the passage?
Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
New underwater tunnel projects increasingly rely upon immersed tube technology, which involves digging a channel in the seabed and then sinking prefabricated tunnel sections into it. As well as being more resilient in earthquakes, immersed tubes are generally faster and less expensive to build than traditional bored tunnels. To begin with, problems with one section of tunnel won`t necessarily delay the entire project, and because immersed tubes can have a rectangular cross-section, they are a more efficient shape than circular tunnels for side-by-side railway lines. And while bored tunnels are usually considered stable only if their depth under the seabed at least equals their diameter, immersed tubes can sit immediately under the seafloor, allowing shallower approach gradients.
The highlighted sentence performs which of the following function in the passage?
It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is characteristic of bored tunnels?
In the conceptual art of the late twentieth century, the thought processes that spawned a work of art were considered more important than the art object itself. Oftentimes, idea was so valued that artists eliminated the traditional art object altogether. Performance, installations, body art, and earthworks became especially fashionable, since they did not result in a permanent work of art. Transient art ideally suited the logic of conceptualism because the existence of the "work" was brief, its meaning and the act of creating it became foregrounded. However, despite its transitory nature, conceptual art could be, and was, preserved in artists` plans, diagrams, written records, and photographs. These documents, ironically, became the very preservable artifacts that conceptualism debunked, and acquired high art value in and of themselves.


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