According to the passage, the behavior of male and female Diana monkeys differs in that female Diana monkeys
The passage suggests which of the following about Braque`s cubism?
Attempts to identify New Guinea's hunter-gatherers face the well-known difficulty of defining what constitutes a hunter-gatherer group. According to the common definition, hunter-gatherers are those who subsist by hunting wild animals and gathering wild plants. Yet those who subsist by hunting wild animals and gathering wild issue of what constitutes “wild” The very presence on a landscape of humans who are consumers affects food resources, blurring the lines between wild and domesticated and, hence, between hunting and pastoralism and between gathering and cultivation. Moreover, it is unclear how groups should be classified that are hunter-gatherers in their procurement strategies but that make use of pastoralism and cultivation in their consumption patterns—subsisting, for example, by trading wild foods to neighbors in return for domesticated crops.
Which of the following statements about the global warming observed in the 1940s is implied by the passage?