

Although Father`s Day, first celebrated in 1908, is now an honored tradition in the United States, it did not always enjoy such (i)_____ ; rather, unofficial (ii)_____ from prominent figures such as Woodrow Wilson and William Jennings Bryan were required before Americans embraced the holiday.
Some conservative theologians subscribe to the belief of Biblical (i)_____ as far as the Scripture never being wrong when it comes to revealing God, his vision, and his news to humanity. However, other literalist Christians believe the (ii)_____ refers to the Bible being without error in every way, including matters of chronology, history, biology, sociology, politics, et cetera.
When he was alive, the magnate was described as arrogant, bitterly critical, and (i)_____ . Nevertheless, the speaker, who was often the victim of his legendary (ii)_____ , was able to find (iii)_____ things to say about him.
When the mother (i)_____ the disruptive child, she did not expect his siblings to encourage malevolent behavior; rather, she anticipated that the children would mock and (ii)_____ their troublesome brother and through this punishment, he would refrain from harassing others.
Many city-dwellers have a _____ of knowledge about their food sources: indeed, a number of people have never even seen a live chicken or cow.
Most fans dismissed the press release detailing the comedian`s ill health as a hoax, as she had frequently _____ her audience by feigning a physical ailment as part of her stage routine.
An aloe plant may be an excellent choice for those who are interested in gardening but keep busy schedules; aloes easily _____ without frequent watering or careful maintenance.
Howard's friends recognize that his nervous (i)_____ on meeting strangers belies an underlying gregariousness, while new acquaintances often (ii)_____ perceive him as churlish.
The artist, who specialized in _____ scenes, eagerly sat down to paint his favorite landscape-a peaceful pasture filled with hills and valleys.
Her performance review noted that Jill suffers from a lack of (i)_____ , and often makes insulting remarks despite her best efforts to be polite; worse, the review went on to point out that it happens regularly, even though she has no intention of (ii)_____ anyone.
The administration had nothing but contempt for the ultimate Frisbee team and frequently spoke _____ of it.
By disclosing and explaining the details of her personal finances before they could be used against her, the council member (i)_____ her opponent's attacks during the campaign. Rather than waiting to react to the inevitable criticism should her opponent find something questionable, her campaign manager thought this strategy would be more (ii)_____ .
Lindsay, cognizant of the effects of second-hand smoke but hesitant to inconvenience her party guests, _____ , as she was unsure whether to ask people to smoke outside during the party.
The literary agent took (i)_____ at the statement that slush piles are nothing but (ii)_____ ; he argued that several major authors, including Stephenie Meyer, Judith Guest, and even Anne Frank, were discovered in such piles of unsolicited, soon-to-be-rejected manuscripts.
While some academics applaud the modernist movement in many universities to treat history and fiction as inherently related fields, there remains a vocal group of traditional historians and literary critics who (i)_____ such (ii)_____ worldview and insist that the (iii)_____ nature of the two disciplines must be inviolate.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was one of the first major American novels to be written in _____ voice, using the unaffected language of the common person describing everyday events.
The question of when, if ever, history can be considered (i)_____ is contentious, to say the least. One could argue, for example, that any evaluation of the 180-year-old presidency of Andrew Jackson would likely be (ii)_____ the controversies that define evaluations of more contemporaneous political leaders, and yet a plethora of passionately held views continues to polarize. The (iii)_____ of any one judgment is perhaps the one certainty surrounding the issue.
The (i)_____ state of the city`s public schools certainly demands immediate attention, but it is important that our remedies be thoughtful and comprehensive. While appropriate measures of teacher performance and subsequent accountability will undoubtedly play a vital role in revitalizing our schools, it would be (ii)_____ the many other factors at play, factors as widely divergent as the system's deteriorating physical capital and students' home lives. Even the most talented teachers are challenged, for example, to (iii)_____ of an unstable or abusive home environment on a student's ability to learn.
With his relentless energy but equally diminutive attention span, Garlin (i)_____ his talents on several potentially exciting but uncompleted projects, much to the dismay of his friends who, while venerating his enthusiasm, (ii)_____ his unfocused nature.
The origins of La Tomatina, an annual Spanish event in which participants hurl overripe tomatoes at one another for up to two hours, are _____ , with possible theories including a friendly food fight and a volley aimed at a bad musician.


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