

Video game enthusiasts know that, while the astounding advances in technological innovation might increase the level of fun of the gaming experience, such a result is by no means _____.
Middlemcu'ch author George Eliot reportedly bemoaned the dearth of (i)_____ women, of which her well-educated main character, Dorothea, was a (ii)_____ . Therefore, Eliot scholars have long debated the author`s meaning in marrying Dorothea to the elderly preacher Casaubon and having him exploit his bride for (iii)_____ needs.
Dismissed by the establishment, professing nothing but disdain for the canon, and yet beloved by his followers who trumpet his _____ opinions, the raffish pundit is laughing all the way to the bank.
The 1966 opening of the relatively expansive Grace Memorial Bridge signaled a (i)_____ improvement in highway safety in the low country of South Carolina; the old bridge had been (ii)_____ narrow, creating a (iii)_____ driving experience for traders and tourists alike.
Sarah Grand`s short story, "The Tenor and the Boy" was a (i)_____ account of her popular novel The Heavenly Twins, for it was published years before the novel was completed. Unlike the novel`s characters, who were drawn in rich detail, the short story contained mere (ii)_____ caricatures.
One might sometimes wonder whether some of the stories passed down through generations are veritable or (i)_____ ; whether the heroes had such endless mettle or were, in their hearts, occasionally (ii)_____ ; and whether the denizens of the times described were really so (iii)_____ , or were perhaps tinged with a bit of guile.
Although his latest project was relatively _____-little more than a few basic plot points scribbled on a napkin-the veteran screenwriter easily sold the story to a major Hollywood studio.
Despite being located in hot and sunny California, San Francisco is famous for its _____ weather, engendered by the confluence of two different meteorological systems in the Bay Area.
Possessing few natural resources upon its newly-granted independence in 1863, Singapore remained economically _____ until an influx of industrialization and foreign investment took hold there.
Wealth and technology wrought by industrialization gave nations in the northern hemisphere strategic (i)_____ . This included sophisticated weaponry that could easily overpower the more (ii)_____ arms held by the countries of the southern hemisphere.
Even though legislators claimed the Contagious Diseases Acts strengthened the nation, social purists argued the Acts _____ the nation's moral growth by encouraging licentious behavior.
The new lecture hall's _____ design reflected the architect`s minimalist influences.
Bentham provided the conceptual model for modern prisons, though not the actual structural model. In Bentham's (i)_____ , a central watchtower provided a (ii)_____ view of all subjects under surveillance, theoretically allowing the guard to observe all of their actions; the tower, however, was structured in such a way that the subjects being observed could not see the guard. This meant that the prisoners were forced to assume that they were being (iii)_____ , even when the guard was off-duty, allowing prison administrators to be economical in their employment of guards.
The grave accusations made by the plaintiff were almost entirely (i)_____ the testimony of two witnesses. Therefore, when the court (ii)_____ the credentials of those witnesses, the plaintiffs case disintegrated, and the relevant claims were shown to be (iii)_____ .
Modern tennis fans have come to realize that, although, quantum technological leaps in racquet technology have lead to _____ increases in the speed and power with which players can hit the ball, this has not necessarily lead to a more entertaining game.
Many Major League Baseball relief pitchers choose an electrifying theme song to play as they take the mound; the song _____ their fans and instills fear in their opponents.
Emmet Ray, a fictional jazz guitarist in Woody Allen's film Sweet and Lowdown, is a paradoxical character; while he displays sophisticated musical artistry, his personality is typically _____ .
The editorial, though intended to (i)_____ the current administration, inadvertently (ii)_____ several claims made against the regime suggested as a preferable alternative, effectively (iii)_____ any plans for a change in leadership.
Humans have a natural affinity for Velvet monkeys; in both their habits and their personalities, they remind us of the essential humanity of non-human creatures. Velvet monkeys, like most humans, are (i)_____ , conducting most of their activities during the day. Their (ii)_____ behavior and desire for company shows us that humans are not the only species that values (iii)_____ .
A mathematician should not automatically reject theorems that might at first seem witless or juvenile; advanced degrees are not a license for (i)_____ , nor do they (ii)_____ arrogance or egotism.


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