

Though there was nothing particularly _____ about Melvin, he was more than capable of holding an audience's attention.
The sentence was _____ in the eyes of the jury; however, the appeals court felt differently, deeming it "excessive."
The captain inspired his soldiers with his _____, often citing to them the proverb "fortune favors the bold."
Facing far larger crowds than anticipated, the event was moved to a more _____ venue in order to accommodate the multitudes.
As a (i)_____of the Antarctic's (ii)_____ climate, the only forms of plant life to be found in the continent's interior are a few (iii)_____ lichens and mosses that cling to the frozen rocks.
(i)_____ they appear quite harmless, brown bears actually pose a considerable (ii)__________ to tourists.
Although his public behavior rendered him a (i) _____ by common opinion, he actually possessed a (ii)_____ awareness of and curiosity in numerous philosophies.
During the Dark Ages, Ireland (i)_____ itself as an intellectual hot spot where monasteries gathered, translated, and studied the philosophies and arts of the classical civilizations, acting as a (ii)_____ against the loss of classical knowledge in the West.
Having spent months on the same project, the team began to find the repetitive work _____ and wished for more varied tasks.
Although the evidence during the trial was lacking, his _____ behavior enforced the semblance of his guilt, with many people believing that he refused to speak lest he incriminate himself.
Although technically a _____ drug, alcohol is not recommended to be used as a sleep aid because of its negative effects on sleep patterns, particularly later in the night.
The advent of humanistic thought _____ a number of changes in art and philosophy, causing an increased interest in and focus on secular ideologies.
Even minor wounds caused by animal attacks must be carefully treated, lest the _____ become infected.
Considered by even her family to be quietly prim, Mary shocked the house by her sudden outburst, breaking away from her normally _____ disposition.
Hers was not a quick but a thorough intelligence; however (i)_____, she came to (ii)_____ all things touching her life.
Victorien Sardou's play La Tosca was (i)_____ written as a (ii)_____ for the actress Sarah Bernhardt and later (iii)_____ into the famous Puccini opera.
(i)_____ the students' (ii) _____ evaluations, the professor's work as an educator was without fault, and he was hailed as both competent and likable.
One of the great (i)_____ amongst philosophers of many democratic nations--from ancient Greece to the modern United States--has been how to resolve the conflict between democratic ideals and the quest for personal gain, or how one can seek personal (ii)_____ while praising sacrifice for the common good.
In an effort to avoid revealing their culpability, the boys responded with _____ tale, hoping the seemingly pointless story would distract their parents.
Among the many appalling stereotypes propagated during the Colonial era, a _____ native population was an exceptionally common one, depicting the indigents as eagerly throwing themselves into physical confrontation.


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