

In regards to the polarity of the nation`s political biases, the media peddles the same tired _____ , hoping that the repetition of a conventional idea will lead people to passively accept it.
Many are quick to contend-albeit falsely-that the personal essay, given the few slim anthologies released last year, is a(n) _____ genre: historically, the form has always played second fiddle to the more brash acts, such as the novel or long-form journalism.
Berolucci found most climes _____ to his creativity; often, he would travel to remote locations, as he believed such places to be less likely to chase off his fickle muse.
Cryptozoology is predicated on a notion that is every bit as _____ as the very quarry it aims to study: one cannot disprove the existence of that which does not exist.
An efflorescence of creativity rarely occurs in a _____ milieu; even a modicum of strife, whether in the home or in society at large, can spur great work in both art and literature.
Vascoux, in not exclusively _____the tenets of modern jazz, imbues his trumpet playing with a pathos reminiscent of the Romantic composers.
News blogs have become popular, as many offer _____ commentary not found in most traditional media, which tend to eschew publishing writing that may be deemed offensive by some.
Due to recent advances in technology, archaeologists have the potential of _____, even from the tiniest fragments, the provenance of pottery shards.
Some cynical to space travel have quipped that since the Earth has always felt bashful over its lack of rings, man has seen it fit to _____ this omission: the accumulated detritus-derelict satellites, debris from manned spaced project, and diverse space junk-orbiting our planet, they feel, should make our planet feel a little less insecure.
The travelogue is a thorny genre, even for seasoned writers, for one must _____ a curious balance between inspired navel-gazing and reportage with a cosmopolitan slant.
It was not out of mere _____ that Mozart, by then well established, sought out a young Beethoven-in the latter`s early work Mozart divined a genius that he hoped to, in some way, cultivate.
Gearing up for the 2008 Olympics, the city of Beijing worked with impressive _____: the National Stadium, colloquially referred to as the Bird`s Nest, a work of such grandiosity that most municipalities would have labored five years to complete, was finished in less than half that time.
Thumbing his nose with equal derision at Mozart as he did at Monet, Thomas was an avowed _____, treating all arts with contempt.
Critics who charged that the technology start-up had blatantly appropriated the laptop design of the leading manufacturer failed to take into account a recent report citing that the start-up had been anything but _____, as not only was it the first to market, but pictures of its original design had initially surfaced publicly.
The author`s name in shining lights-on the book jacket, that is-_____ the collective nature of the enterprise: before hundreds of seasoned eyes even pore over a final copy, the author has had many expert readers help fashion the novel from its very inception.
The attempted _____ offered little in the way of a resolution; indeed the fate of many characters was left unanswered.
Many high-tech CEOs, perceived as having absolute power over their respective domains, are accorded the same awe and esteem once reserved for _____ .
Despite the formality of the occasion, he danced with _____, flailing his arms in the air uninhibitedly.
There are few _____ thrills to be gleaned from Kafka`s writing, for his characters, which typically embody ideas, are not fleshed out enough for the reader to become fully immersed in their plights.
The Olympic Cycling Team took their _____ at the base of the mountain, hoping that the extra calories would sustain them during the tortuous ascent.


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