Approximately what percent of the homeowners in the survey responded “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to Question $$1$$ and then responded “house has no mortgage” to Question $$2$$?
The number of homeowners who responded “very unlikely” to Question $$1$$ is approximately what percent less than the number of homeowners who responded “somewhat unlikely”?
Which of the following is closest to the fraction of female students in their freshman year who were in an age-group of 25 and older?
Which of the following is closest to the percent of the students enrolled in college who were female students in their junior year and in the age-group 20 to 24?
In 1987 there were $$630,000$$ students enrolled in college in Country $$U$$ who were in the age-group $$35$$ and older. Which of the following is closest to the percent increase from 1987 to 2007 in the number of students enrolled in college in Country $$U$$ who were in the
age-group $$35$$ and older?
Of the people surveyed in the age-group 65 or older, if the ratio of the number of women to the number of men was 3 to 2, how many women were in that age-group?
Of the people surveyed who had long-term-care insurance, how many were age 55 years or older?
Which of the following is closest to the percent of all people surveyed who were in the age-group 45-54 and had long-term-care insurance?
How many of the companies planning to make an acquisition gave the reason that was given by the least number of such companies?
How many of the five reasons given were given by more than 800 of the companies planning to make an acquisition?
The number of companies that have no plan to make an acquisition is approximately what percent greater than the number of companies that plan to make an acquisition within 1 year?
The number of people currently employed in agriculture is what percent of the total number of people currently employed in the five sectors shaded in the graph?
If the average (arithmetic mean) annual salary of the people currently employed in agriculture is $35,000 and if the average annual salary of the people currently employed in construction is $45,000, what is the average annual salary of the people currently employed in agriculture and construction combined?
If the predicted change, according to projection $$A$$, in the number of people employed in education is a $$4$$ percent decrease, then the predicted change, according to projection $$B$$, in the number of people employed in finance is what percent increase?
_________ %
Which of the following is a possible value for the median amount of money spent by the male customers at Supermarket $$X$$ who spent more than $9.99 but less than $70.00 between 1:00 and 3:00 yesterday?