How many of the United States postal rate increases after 1965 were less than $0.03 per ounce for the first ounce of first-class mail?
What was the percent increase in the United States postal rate from 1965 to 1997?
A fence is to be built along the entire border of each of the four shaded garden areas. What is the total number of feet of fencing needed?
It has been estimated for this garden that 5 pounds of tomatoes can be harvested for every $$2$$ square feet used to grow tomatoes. According to this estimated rate, how many pounds of tomatoes can be harvested from the garden?
If $$\frac{1}{11}$$ of the total area of the garden used for flowers is used to grow daisies, how many square feet of the garden is used to grow daisies?
For 1996, which of the following is closest to the ratio of the aviation division' s revenue to the transportation division' s revenue?
Of the following, which division had the greatest percent increase in revenue for the one-year time period indicated?
For how many of the years shown was the revenue of the aviation division less than double the revenue of at least one of the other divisions?
How many more square feet of the garden is used for squash than is used for peppers?
Approximately what percent of the area of the garden is used for pathways?
The sundial in the section of the garden used for herbs occupies a circular region with diameter 1 foot. Approximately how many square feet of the section of the garden used for herbs is not occupied by the sundial?
The average number of available rooms per day in 1997 was approximately what fraction of the average number of available rooms per day in 2000?
The "occupancy rate" for each year is the ratio of the average number of occupied rooms per day to the average number of available rooms per day. For which of the years shown was the occupancy rate least?
Which of the following is closest to the percent increase in the average daily room rate from 1996 to 2000?
How many of the homeowners responded “very likely” to Question 1?