In 1990 the population of New York was approximately how many times the combined populations of Dallas and Houston?
For each city, $$D$$ represents the average daily temperature shown for July minus the average daily temperature shown for January. For how many of the cities is $$20° F< D< 35°F$$?
The normal annual precipitation shown for each city is calculated by taking the average (arithmetic mean) of the annual precipitation amounts for that city for the 30-year period 1961-1990. How many inches of precipitation would Dallas have had to receive in 1991 to raise its average annual precipitation for the 31-year period 1961-1991 to $$34.1$$ inches?
When Movie $$C$$ has been released for $$10$$ weeks, its producers expect it to have a total revenue equal to the total revenue of Movie G for the $$10$$ weeks of its release. To meet this expectation, approximately what must be the average (arithmetic mean) revenue per week of Movie $$C$$ for the next $$9$$ weeks of its release?
The total revenue for Movie $$F$$ is approximately what percent less than the total revenue for Movie $$B$$?
For the revenue of Movie B in the first week it was released and the revenue of Movie E in the first week it was released, approximately what was the average revenue per theatre for the two movies combined?
For the people at the $50,000-$74,999 income level, which of the following is closest to the ratio of the number of people who moved abroad to the number of people who moved to places other than abroad?
For how many of the five income levels shown is the number of people who moved to a different state less than one-tenth of the total number of people at that income level who moved?
People at the income level under $10,000 who moved abroad moved to $$x$$ different countries, and people at the $10,000-$29,999 income level who moved abroad moved to y different countries, of which $$z$$ countries are also among the $$x$$ countries. For all of these countries and for the people at these two income levels who moved to these countries, which of the following represents the average number of people per country?
Which of the airlines listed had the median percent of on-time arrivals in October 2002?
For how many of the airlines listed was the number of arrivals that were not on time less than $$15$$ percent of the total number of arrivals in October 2002?
For Airline $$H$$, what was the number of consumer complaints per million passengers in October 2001?
For the film with the highest ticket sales since its release, what were the average ticket sales per week since its release?