

For how many of the categories shown was the dollar amount of the expenditures in 1995 less than $1 billion?
Approximately what was the ratio of the dollar amount of the expenditures for prescriptions in 1995 to the dollar amount of the expenditures for prescriptions in 1970?
From 1970 to 1995, the dollar amount of expenditures for nursing home care increased by approximately what percent?
$$x$$ is a positive even integer.

Quantity A

The units digit of $$5x^3$$

Quantity B


Consider the numbers $$q$$, $$r$$, and $$s$$, where $$0 \lt q \lt r \lt 1 \lt s$$. Which of the following shows the five numbers $$r-q$$, $$\sqrt{r-q}$$, $$\sqrt{s+q}$$, $$(r-q)^{2}$$, and $$(s+r)^{2}$$ listed in order from least to greatest?
A gardener plans to cover a rectangular plot of land with pine bark mulch to a depth of 4 inches.The plot measures 8 feet by 12 feet, and the gardener will buy mulch packed in bags. If each bag contains 3.5 cubic feet of mulch and costs $6,what is the cost of the least number of bags that the gardener will need to cover the plot? (Note: 1 foot=12 inches.)
The role of lightning in starting natural fires throughout tropical East Asia has possibly been underestimated, with most authors assuming that all fires today are ____________.
Most observers successfully perceive and contemplate the factual tidbits that are placed in focus by the displays in science museums; however, they frequently (i)____________ the display frame itself. This is not surprising, since the art of museum presentation, if it is to be effective rather than distracting, should be (ii)____________.
In considering the life of Joseph Duveen, one must reconcile Duveen the noted (i)____________ with Duveen the unscrupulous manipulator and salesman, His benefactions and activity in organizing exhibitions of historic British art were far from (ii)____________ and can be seen as buying respectability and Establishment support in order to (iii)____________ his final, most magnificent sales.
Studies have shown that areas of the Amazon rain forest that previously were thought to be ____________ have in reality been subject to disturbance and modifications by humans for thousands of years.
Unlike mainstream publications, which centered on images of women as mothers and housewives, Sepia, from its inception in the 1940s, depicted women in ____________ roles and often featured stories of African American career women and entertainers.
To most ethicists, self-interested action connotes the opposite of moral conduct, and its ____________ is for them a virtual prerequisite for serious ethical discourse.
The effect of the distant past on an individual' s financial decisions ____________ much more slowly than the authors of the study had expected, with the impact of events early in life persisting decades into the future.
$$k=11,112,222,334$$ and $$n=111,122,334$$

Quantity A

The number of different 11-digit positive integers that are obtained by all possible orderings of the digits of the integer $$k$$

Quantity B

$$9$$ times the number of different 9-digit positive integers that are obtained by all possible orderings of the digits of the integer $$n$$

If $$n$$ is a number greater than $$1,000$$, which of the following is closest to the value of $$\frac{n^2-n-6}{n^2-9}$$?
If $$r$$ and $$s$$ are integers such that $$2 \leq r \lt s \leq 7$$,what is the greatest possible value of $$\frac{r+s}{rs}$$?


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