

x is an integer.

x-5 > -8

2x+5 <3

Quantity A


Quantity B


O is the center of the semicircle.

Quantity A

The perimeter of △ABO

Quantity B

The length of arc BCD

Quantity A

The least positive integer by which 4,500 can be multiplied so that the resulting product is the cube of an integer.

Quantity B



$$x$$ and $$y$$ are integers and $$x \gt y$$.

Quantity A


Quantity B


On the number line, Z is the midpoint of line segment XY.

Quantity A

The coordinate of Z

Quantity B


x ≠ y and y ≠ 0

Quantity A


Quantity B


Quantity A

The remainder when 754,975,376 is divided by 4

Quantity B

The remainder when 701,864,294 is divided by 4

The operation ▽ is defined by a▽b=$$b^{a}$$ for all nonzero integers a and b.

k is a nonzero integer.

Quantity A


Quantity B


List M: r+3, r+2, r+1, r, r-1, r-2, r-3

Quantity A

The standard deviation of the numbers in list M

Quantity B


Quantity A


Quantity B


Suppose a, b, c are different integers, and the repeating decimal 0.abc=$$\frac{m}{n}$$, where 0 < m < n < 100, m and n are both integers, then

Quantity A


Quantity B


Jeremy bicycled a distance of 16 miles in x minutes. He averaged 15 miles per hour for the first 8 miles he bicycled.

Quantity A

The number of minutes he took to bicycle the last 8 miles

Quantity B


What is the least value of x such that (2x-1)(x-6) - (x-3)(x-6) = 0 ?
The law in a certain township specifies that a room for an indoor public event must have at least 40 square feet of floor space for each 5 people attending the event. If a certain public event is to be held in a rectangular room whose floor measures 40 feet by 50 feet, then according to township law, what is the maximum number of people permitted to attend?
Which of the following best represents the graph in the xy-plane of $$y=(x-2)^{2}-x^{2}$$?

On Tuesday a certain ticket agency sold 1,400 tickets, 30 percent of which were for concerts. On Wednesday the ticket agency sold 600 tickets, 70 percent of which were for concerts. What percent of the tickets sold by the ticket agency on Tuesday and Wednesday combined were for concerts?


The Smiths' checking account balance was greater than $1,000 on the first day of how many months in 2000 ?

The Smiths' total bank account balance on January 1, 2000, was 1.5 times their total bank account balance on December 1, 1999. Their total bank account balance on December 1. 1999, was $600 more than it was on November 1. 1999. If the Smiths' total bank account balance on November 1, 1999, was x dollars, then x satisfies which of the following equations?

The Smiths' total bank account balance increased by approximately what percent from April 1 to July 1, 2000 ?
If m is the median of fifteen consecutive even integer, then the greatest of these fifteen integers is


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