The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Select the sentence that suggests a possible reason why Hurston wrote the version of Mules and Men that was published in 1935.
Although one can adduce myriad of examples of ecosystem disruption by nonindigenous species, nevertheless most introduced species that survive in fact appear to have quite _____ effects on the ecosystem they have invaded.
Despite the _____ of medical information available through e-mail, the Internet, and mobile devices, not many patients are taking advantage of the potential of electronic communications for health-related needs.
In a field of egotists, Bloomfield is _____, often praising her competitors and punctuating her correspondence with self-deprecating remarks.
At first, most of the famous fairy tales seem so implausible and so irrelevant to contemporary life that their _____ is hard to understand.
For all the _____ the new CEO has received from the press recently, her staff have a decidedly less rosy view of her.
It would be naive to treat remarks made in diaries or personal letters as giving especially candid access to historical truth or even as being expressions of the writer`s true state of mind, since the (i)_____ for exaggeration and deception in those forms is virtually nonexistent. Diaries and letters are rarely sites for (ii)_____.
If newspaper consumers are concerned about more than (i)_____ and prefer to read news that is consistent with their beliefs, then (ii)_____ is not a journalistic flaw, but, rather, a cultivated feature. In a competitive news market, producers can use slant to differentiate their products and stave off price competition.
Although Wynne claims to recognize that _____ evidence is available to make definitive statement, she offers them nonetheless, arriving at some sweeping generalizations.
Because movie studios, under pressure to generate international sales, have favored big-budget pictures with fantasy plots, the representation of everyday domestic life has largely been _____ other media, such as television and literature.
In noting that critical and popular opinions about Li's art coincided, Chuang _____ the existence of an exception to her general theory of art criticism, which posits that critics' views do not intersect with those of the general public.
In this single volume, Kenny aims to survey for the general reader all of ancient philosophy; understandably, space in such a book is (i)_____, and he is not to be faulted for minor omissions. However, Kenny would have added significantly to his book's value had he more effectively (ii)_____ the influence of ancient philosophy on the subsequent tradition. As it is, newcomers to the subject will have little (iii)_____ the afterlife enjoyed by ancient philosophy in the period 1600-1750.
Blake's reputation for weakness is _____: almost all who have worked with him say he is a disciplined, intellectually formidable, and very tough politician.
Which of the following, if true, provides additional evidence to support the conclusion?