

Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence?
The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Life on Europa in the form suggested in the passage would be dependent on
Many of the towns that have voted to keep incinerators in the county's solid waste plan have done so not because they necessarily (i)_____ incinerators, but because they are (ii)_____ to narrow their waste-disposal options.
She was never (i)_____; she was nothing if not discreet, so she (ii)_____ for the present to declare her passion.
It is a paradox of the Victorians that they were both _____ and, through their empire, cosmopolitan.
At first, most of the famous fairy tales seem so implausible and so irrelevant to contemporary life that their _____ is hard to understand.
A cure for the common cold has been so elusive that it has become a modern symbol of _____.
When a new scientific model emerges, research studies (i)__________ that paradigm tend to dominate in the scientific literature: the process of selecting articles for publication is tilted towards positive results. But once the paradigm (ii)__________, the academic incentives shift in the opposite direction: research results are more considered worthy publication when they (iii)____________ what has become the established view.
Because movie studios, under pressure to generate international sales, have favored big-budget pictures with fantasy plots, the representation of everyday domestic life has largely been _____ other media, such as television and literature.
Communicating articulately is typically regarded as an aggressive, persuasive talent, but it can also be protective: it allows a certain _____ closeness, conveying proximity while actually maintaining distance.
Partly because of Lee's skill at synthesizing (i)_____ trends drawn from many fields of study, her theories appeared to present, with uncanny aptness, ideas already (ii)_____ in the minds of her contemporaries.
Individuals, governments, and companies show ample ability to _____ themselves by setting goals based on current conditions and then blindly following them even when those conditions change drastically.
Blake's reputation for weakness is _____: almost all who have worked with him say he is a disciplined, intellectually formidable, and very tough politician.
If $$n$$ and $$m$$ are positive integers and $$m$$ is a factor of $$2^{6}$$, what is the greatest possible number of integers that can be equal to both $$3n$$ and $$\frac{2^{6}}{m}$$?
The passage is concerned primarily with
According to the passage, which of the following is true of an Eurasia-Africa land bridge during ice ages?


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