

If 20 percent of the amount budgeted for vacation had instead been added to the amount budgeted for entertainment, which of the following is closest to the percent by which the amount budgeted for entertainment would have increased?
If a rectangular room has length 20 meters, width 10 meters, and height 4 meters, then the volume of the room is how many cubic centimeters?
Which of the following best characterizes the author's main point about the “comparisons"?
If $$y^{-1}$$=$$x^{3}$$ and $$w^{-1}$$=$$y^{3}$$, which of the following is an expression for w in terms of x?
Integers x and y are each greater than 1, and 7 < xy < 13. How many different values of xy are possible?
The argument depends on the assumption that
When the positive number k is multiplied by itself, the result is $$\frac{1}{2}$$ of k.

Quantity A


Quantity B


Triangles ABC and AED are congruent, where BC=DE. If y=63, what is the value of x?

If $$1 < r < s < t < 2$$, then, of the following, which is closest to $$r+(s*10^{6})+(t*10^{12})$$?
For each value x in a list of values with mean m, the absolute deviation of x from the mean is defined as |x-m|.

List W consists of 5 values, all of which are positive integers. The least value in W is 1 and the greatest value in W is 10.

Quantity A

The range of the absolute deviations of the values in W from the mean

Quantity B


Five lists of data with 20 data values in each have arithmetic means $$a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4$$, and $$a_5$$ and medians $$m_1, m_2, m_3, m_4$$, and $$m_5$$,respectively.

Quantity A

The median of $$a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4$$, and $$a_5$$

Quantity B

The arithmetic mean of $$m_1, m_2, m_3, m_4$$, and $$m_5$$

Of the people in a debating club, 42 percent are more than 55 years old and 68 percent are married.

Quantity A

The percent of the people in the club who are both more than 55 years old and married

Quantity B


Quantity A

The number of different positive 4-digit integers in which two of the digits are equal to 5 and the other two digits are equal to 7

Quantity B


If $$\frac{1}{2}$$ is one solution of the equation $$8x^{2}+2x-k=0$$, where k is a constant, what is the other solution of the equation?

Construction workers measured the distance from two poles to a reference point A as 13 feet and 10 feet, as shown in the figure above. Which of the following values could be the distance, if feet, between the two poles?

Indicate all such values.
If both the sum and the product of the four positive integers a, b, c and d are even, what is the greatest number of these integers that could be odd?
The length of an edge of cube C is 3 times of an edge of cube S. The surface area of cube C is x times the surface area of cube S. What is the value of x?

The total annual rainfall during year X in Nairobi was 29.9 inches. Approximately what percent of the total annual rainfall occurred during April?
Given 14 consecutive integers, if the sum of the first 7 integers is S, what is the sum of the other 7 integers, in terms of S?
If 15 ≤ r ≤ 18 and 30 ≤ s ≤ 36, what is the greatest possible value of the average (arithmetic mean) of $$\frac{1}{r}$$ and $$\frac{1}{s}$$?


25000 +道题目

