

A certain group of 10 people consists of 5 men and 5 women. From this group, 2 people are to be selected at random. The probability that the 2 people selected will consist of 1 man and 1 woman is equal to p.

Quantity A


Quantity B


Three 16-ounce bottles, M, R,and S, are filled with three different beverages. The amount of sugar contained in bottle M is $$\frac{1}{4}$$ of the amount of sugar contained in bottle R and is $$\frac{2}{5}$$ of the amount of sugar contained in bottle S. The amount of sugar contained in bottles R and S combined is what fraction of the amount of sugar contained in bottle R?
A monument is constructed on level ground in the shape of a pyramid with a square base. If each edge of the monument is 10 meters long, how many meters above the ground is the tip of the monument?
A certain distribution of 6 temperatures $$t_1$$, $$t_2$$, $$t_3$$, $$t_4$$, $$t_5$$, $$t_6$$ has a standard deviation of 2.14 degrees Celsius. Which of the following distributions of temperatures must also have a standard deviation of 2.14 degrees Celsius?

Indicate all such distributions.
A lecture hall has 15 rows of seats. There are n-2 seats in the first row and n seats in each of the other rows. ff there are no other seats in the lecture hall and the total number of seats in the lecture hall is between 180 and 200, what is the total number of seats in the lecture hall?
A restaurant has a total of 16 tables, each of which can seat a maximum of 4 people. If 50 people were sitting at the tables in the restaurant, with no tables empty, what is the greatest possible number of tables that could be occupied by just 1 person?
A certain type of code is a list of 4 identical asterisks and 2 identical dots in any order. For example, **•*•* is one such code.

Quantity A

The number of possible codes of this type

Quantity B


In 2001 the average starting salary for the consulting category was $47,900. Which of the following is closest to the percent decrease in the average starting salary for the consulting category from 2001 to 2002?
The society of the ancient Moche of northern Peru was ____________ one: it was ruled by local lord who were overseen by an elite composed of administrative and religious authorities.
A certain flat plot of land is in the shape of a circle. The plot consists of a circular flower garden surrounded by a grassy lawn. The total area of the plot is 113.1 square feet, and the area of the grassy lawn is 74.6 square feet. Approximately what is the diameter, in feet, of the flower garden?
Polygon P has more than 5 sides. Polygon Q has twice as many sides as polygon P.

Quantity A

Twice the sum of the interior angles of polygon P

Quantity B

The sum of the interior angles of polygon Q

Working at their respective constant rates, machine A can produce 10,000 widgets in 10 hours, and machine B can produce 10,000 widgets in 5 hours. If the two machines work simultaneously and independently at their respective constant rates, then they would produce a total of 10,000 widgets in how many minutes?
S is the set of all integers from 1 to 100, inclusive.

Quantity A

The number of integers in S that are multiples of 7, but not of 6

Quantity B


PQRS is a rectangle.

Quantity A


Quantity B


If the average (arithmetic mean) of w, x, and y is 3 more than the average of x, y, and z, then w is how much greater than z?
When the positive integer $$w$$ is dided by 11, the remainder is 4. What is the remainder when $$w^2$$ is divided by 11?

In the xy-plane, what is the area of the quadrilateral region ABCD?
Higgins is that rare phenomenon, a writer to whose fiction one goes in search of (i)_______________ of the writer' s life rather than vice versa, the more usual direction. In a sense, indeed, life and fiction are one for Higgins, since as far as can be ascertained, he has never written of anything that did not (ii)____________ his own experience. Yet even though he mines his own life to supply raw material for his writing, the precise facts of that life remain (ili)______________.

In the figure above, the line segments represent paths in a garden and the dots represent benches. All of the paths allow two-way traffic except the path between the waterfall bench and the roses bench, which can be traveled only in the direction of the arrow. What is the greatest possible number of different routes from the entrance bench to the fountain bench along these paths that a visitor can travel without passing the same bench more than once?
Of the 29 students in a class, 15 students study French, fewer than 16 students study Spanish, and 5 students study neither French nor Spanish. Which of the following could be the number of students in the class who study both French and Spanish?

Indicate all such numbers.


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