

Apparently, advanced tortoises evolved multiple times: the high-domed shells and columnar, elephantine feet of current forms are specializations for terrestrial life that evolved _____ on each continent.
Due to the extraordinary circumstances, British business owners found themselves in a (i)_____ position during the Second World War, forced to accept regular interference from government and to acquiesce to (ii)_____ role for labor unions in negotiating the terms and conditions of employment.
In protoscientific (for example, in ancient Greece), claims about the physical world were often accepted as true if they were reasonable; experimental verification, if thought necessary at all, was _____.
It would be naive to treat remarks made in diaries or personal letters as giving especially candid access to historical truth or even as being expressions of the writer`s true state of mind, since the (i)_____ for exaggeration and deception in those forms is virtually nonexistent. Diaries and letters are rarely sites for (ii)_____.
Making loans and fighting poverty are normally two of the least glamorous pursuits around, but remarkably enough put the two together, and you have an economic innovation that has become not just (i)_____ but downright (ii)_____.
Those who took Clark's old-mannered compliance for obsequiousness (i)_____ him: his apparent (ii)_____ veiled a fervent (iii)_____ of the authority that others exercised over him, one that he occasionally expressed by discreetly sabotaging their most important projects.
The mood of the times is no longer one of (i)_____ over our scientific achievements. Doubts and worries beset technical and scientific specialist, as well as the public at large. I do not consider such worries (ii)_____, though they are often based on intuitive feeling rather than on strictly logical arguments.
Titan, Saturn's largest moon, looks surprisingly _____, even though it is a cold, dimly lit world made from unknown materials.
The initial, widely shared pessimism turned out to be _____, because it ignored the many things that could be done with resources left behind.
Instead of demonstrating the _____ of archaeological applications of electronic remote sensing, the pioneering study became, to some skeptics, an illustration of the imprudence of interpreting sites based on virtual archaeology.
Although the essayist`s arguments did not _____ her most perceptive readers, the extreme subtlety of the points she made explains why she was misinterpreted by most critics of her day.
The passage is primarily concerned with
The author of the passage implies which of the following about Belasco`s production of The Governors Lady?
The passage is concerned primarily with
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Members of the union's negotiating team insisted on several changes to the company's proposal before they would support it, making it clear that they would _____ no compromise.
Building the first United States transcontinental phone line required fundamental innovations: for example, engineers created an amplifier for the electric signals to prevent them from ______ after a few miles.
If aging is merely an avoidable by-product of life rather than a necessary progression, it is possible that we might eventually forestall ________.
French`s tone was reasonable, ________ almost, but the gaze she fixed on Backhouse over her reading spectacles had something of defiance in it.
It is possible to (i)________ the benefits of diplomatic dialogue, because although it can certainly alleviate some of the problems that afflicts us, it is not a (ii)_________.


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