

Which of the following best describe the function of the highlighted sentence?
According to the passage, which of the following is true of the collisions mentioned in the highlighted sentence?
Readers may initially be irked by the book's apparent (i)_____ but, once immersed in the author's prose, they may come to regard the work's (ii)_____ as an asset.
Mr. Billington, at times, can be a (i)_____. For instance, he deplores the Royal Shakespeare Company`s eight-and-a-half hour version of Nicholas Nickelby, which many found (ii)_____.
The students' _____ natures were in sharp contrast to the imperturbable dispositions of their teacher.
Traditional Vietnamese culture has long promoted the idea of gender equality. Founding myths (i)_____ the equal division of labor in child care for mothers and fathers. As is often the case, however, theoretical commitments are (ii)_____ actual processes. In reality, gender-based (iii)_____ persists.
The book is not comprehensive but is, instead, (i)_____ in the most positive sense:(ii)_____ rather than settles.
Many readers today consider the moral sentiments expressed in the ancient writers' work to be quite vapid, and in the seventeenth century they were similarly regarded as _____.
As discussed in the passage, the literary scholars and the historians differ in which of the following ways?
Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?
Up to the 1970s, histories of science tended to be (i)_____ not least in their focus on discoveries and theories that could be read as anticipating later scientific orthodoxies, rather than on those deemed (ii)_____ in their own periods. Historians of science are now routinely far more sensitive on such scores.
Despite the general _____ of Roman archaeological studies toward the major cities and their monuments, archaeology has contributed much to a better understanding of rural developments in Roman territory.
At the heart of present-day studies computational authorship attribution lies the hypothesis that each author has so personal a writing style that it can function as stylistic DNA. Any given author style, in other words, is regarded as (i)______ and (ii)______ every other authors writing style.
Because the literary club often trumpeted itself as a sanctuary for temperate discussion, visitors were startled by the frequently _____ tone of its recent debates.
After the Turkish Republic was established, traditional hamams (bathhouses) seemed to many Turks to be outmoded, but thanks to tourism, hamams have experienced a _____, becoming important cultural sites for foreign and Turkish visitors alike.

The thin rectangular sheet of metal shown in the figure is 8 inches wide and $$x$$ inches long. An open box is to be made by cutting a 2-inch square from each corner of the sheet of metal and then folding up the sides. If the volume of the box is to be 48 cubic inches, what is the value of $$x$$ ?
T = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

Quantity A

The total number of positive 4-digit integers that can be formed where each digit is in set T and the 4 digits in each 4-digit integer are different from each other

Quantity B


m and n are integers.

Quantity A

$$\sqrt{( 10^{2m} )( 10^{2n} )}$$

Quantity B



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