

The primary purpose of the passage is to
According to the passage, which of the following occurs as a result of cooling in the upper layers of the ocean?
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about Roma, Greek, and Romanian music?
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Building the first United States transcontinental phone line required fundamental innovations: for example, engineers created an amplifier for the electric signals to prevent them from ______ after a few miles.
Pueblo Bonito, the most impressive of the "great houses" at the prehistoric Chaco Canyon site in New Mexico, comprised over 600 rooms and 4 to 5 stories. Traditional interpretations have viewed the great houses as almost entirely residential, with some archaeologists estimating the population of Pueblo Bonito at 1,200. But Windes recently challenged this view by pointing out the paucity of hearths recorded during the excavation of Pueblo Bonito, which revealed only 3 upper-story hearths, in contrast to 59 ground-floor hearths: habituation rooms would have required hearths for cooking and heat. It is possible, however, that the collapse of upper-story floors disturbed evidence of upper-story hearths to such an extent that they were not revealed by early excavations such as those conducted by Pepper`s field crews in the 1890s and Judd`s in the 1920s. Additionally, reliance on room features for early population estimates is complicated by the Chacoan`s later remodeling, especially given Judd`s disinclination to destroy later structures and features to expose earlier ones. The failure of early excavations to strip off intact floors may have concealed evidence of hearths in upper-story rooms.
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Many legislators who helped Roosevelt shape the New Deal _____ the fact that emerging social problems affected every segment of the population; nonetheless, they often acted with a view to aiding only their own constituents.
Since he had demonstrated (i)_____ talent as an amateur, several of his acquaintances (ii)_____ a career on the stage, but he followed his parents` wishes, becoming an engineer.
Though McDonough discusses (i)_____ the filmmaker's aesthetic principles, it is the description of the (ii)_____, the very vulgarity of the director's films, rather than McDonough's learned discourses on the aesthetics of the film, that makes the book so entertaining.
Many of us remember a time when discovery and the thrill of learning were forces in our lives and were (i)_____. Frequently that time happened in a great classroom somewhere, in the hands of the one (ii)_____ teacher we can each remember.
At a certain company, employees who earn $20.00 per hour will be given an increase of $1.00 per hour. For each of the other employees, either the employee will be given an increase of $1.00 per hour or the employee will be given a percent increase equal to the percent increase that will be given to the employees who earn $20.00 per hour, whichever results in a larger increase for that employee. Which of the following statements are true?

Indicate all such statements.
If an integer greater than 100 and less than 1,000 is to be selected at random, what is the probability that the integer selected will be a multiple of 7?

The table shows the number of pages in each of 5 textbooks. What is the greatest possible value of x for which the average (arithmetic mean) number of pages of the 5 textbooks is equal to the median number of pages of the 5 textbooks?
If (a,b) is a point in the xy-plane, then the distance between (a,b) and the x-axis is |b| and the distance between (a,b) and the y-axis is |a|.

Quantity A

The total number of points P in the xy-plane such that the distance between P and one of the axes is 10 and the distance between P and the other axis is 8

Quantity B

The total number of points Q in the xy-plane such that the distance between Q and one of the axes is 5 and the distance between Q and the other axis is 4

A research report states that the average (arithrmetic mean) of 120 measurements was 72.5, the greatest of the 120 measurements was 92.8, and the range of the 120 measurements was 51.6.
The information given above is sufficient to determine the value of which of the following statistics?
Indicate all such statistics.
For how many integers between 100 and 999, inclusive, is the sum of the three digits of the integer equal to 4?

Quantity A

The remainder when $$n$$ is divided by 3

Quantity B


Point $$Q$$ (not shown) is on the number line between $$-2$$ and $$-1$$. Point $$R$$ (not shown) is on the number line between $$0$$ and $$1$$. Point $$S$$ (not shown) is on the number line between $$3$$ and $$4$$

Quantity A


Quantity B


A group of adults and children spent a total of $420 for tickets and food at the circus. Tickets to the circus cost $20 per adult and $10 per child. If the group spent an average of $21 per person for tickets and food, and there were the same number of adults as children in the group,what was the total amount that the group spent on food at the circus?


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