

Having regarded Marcus relationship to their boss as entirely _____, Jo was flabbergasted when Marcus publicly made clear his objections to some changes the boss was introducing.
According to the passage, which of the following is true of the collisions mentioned in the highlighted sentence?
The company suffers from an almost total lack of _____: even the most innocuous communications between departments lend to devolve into acrimony.
That Seiberg and Witten lack celebrity can be explained by the _____ nature of their pursuit: the mathematical exploration of four-dimensional space.
It is a paradox of the Victorians that they were both _____ and, through their empire, cosmopolitan.
Despite the _____ of medical information available through e-mail, the Internet, and mobile devices, not many patients are taking advantage of the potential of electronic communications for health-related needs.
Apparently, advanced tortoises evolved multiple times: the high-domed shells and columnar, elephantine feet of current forms are specializations for terrestrial life that evolved _____ on each continent.
The author of this travel guide (i)_____ to show his readers Cairo as it really is, but his information is not reliable: for example, his geography is (ii)_____, with one walking tour covering areas of the city that are twenty miles apart.
Even the cleverest use of time management techniques is powerless to _____ the sum of minutes in a person's life (over 52 million, optimistically assuming a life expectancy of 100 years ), so people squeeze as much as they could into each one of them.
Biologists have little (i)_____ drawing the link between the success of humanity and human (ii)_____. Indeed, many biologists claim that this attribute, the ability to (iii)_____, or, to put it more sharply, to make individuals subordinate their self-interest to the needs of the group, lies at the root of human achievement.
If newspaper consumers are concerned about more than (i)_____ and prefer to read news that is consistent with their beliefs, then (ii)_____ is not a journalistic flaw, but, rather, a cultivated feature. In a competitive news market, producers can use slant to differentiate their products and stave off price competition.
When a new scientific model emerges, research studies (i)__________ that paradigm tend to dominate in the scientific literature: the process of selecting articles for publication is tilted towards positive results. But once the paradigm (ii)__________, the academic incentives shift in the opposite direction: research results are more considered worthy publication when they (iii)____________ what has become the established view.
Memory-prompt technology such as online birthday reminders does more than enhance our recall abilities; it induces us to (i)_____ ever more behaviors to automated processes. Witness the (ii)_____ a program that allows us to create computer greeting cards for the entire year in one sitting.
The physics graveyard is strewn with the skeletons of failed theories, unexplained effects, and anomalous particles that briefly _____ the research spotlight, then rapidly fade from view.
In order to cultivate new repertoire, the music industry is providing a hearing for previously _____ composers.
It`s hardly _____ the committee calls for: rudimentary competence would be an improvement on the current chaos.
The Chavez Pass archaeological site was initially interpreted as indicative of _____ society, since it was thought to have been at the center of a cluster of smaller, contemporary settlements that it presumably controlled.
Several studies (i)_____ the assumption that paper cups, because they were made of natural products, were more environmentally (ii)_____ than cups made of plastic (polystyrene). Indeed, these studies indicated that the environmental (iii)_____ of producing and recycling paper cups were similar to, if not more than, those related to the production, disposal, and recycling of polystyrene cups.


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