

Although Kito Hiroshi's portrait of Edo Japan as (i) ___________ is certainly (ii) ___________, the fundamental factors of population stability and resource renewal generally did favor social maintenance and even economic growth.
Some norms governing authors' dedications of their works are (i)___________ to the norms governing ordinary speech (it may be wrong to lie, and thus wrong to lie in dedication), but other norms (ii)__________ dedications. For example, one ought not dedicate to a worthy recipient an object that one feels is devoid of value.
An affinity for (i)____________ is a characteristic of Bynum`s work and of her rhetorical strategy as a historian, and it is often both refreshing and illuminating. But this predilection for (ii)____________ can be vexing, too, by appearing to eschew necessary distinctions.
There are many ways in which rat brains and human brains are ______________; indeed, rat brains are often used as generalized models for all mammalian brains, including our own.
Defying expectation, the electorate seems poised to (i) _____________ a number of political tenets so (ii) _____________ that they are often paraded as fact.
Khirigsuurs, distinctive stone-mounded monuments, are so ________ in central and western Mongolia that it has been argued that they were the defining features of the human landscapes of prehistoric Inner Asia.
As theories, quantum field theory and theory of general relatively have been astonishingly (i) _____________, in that no experiment yet has shown a crack in either of them, even though both of them (ii) _____________ wildly counterintuitive properties in physical reality. And yet even proponents note that the two theories are (iii) _____________, a fact that has disallowed theorists—at least so far—from incorporating both into a self-consistent theory of quantum gravity.
The notion that scientists consider the work they do to be (i) ______________ contradicts popular stereotypes that depict the work of scientists (and the scientists themselves) as being formal and rigid, following lockstep procedures in which the (ii) ______________ elements of researchers` personalities fail to enter their labors.
Coral reefs are often referred to as the rain forests of the sea, _____________ comparison given that only tropical rain forests can compete with the sheer concentration of biodiversity found in coral reefs.
Most of the drugs used to treat celiac disease that are now in development would not eliminate the need for a gluten-free diet but would help _____ symptoms when some gluten is unintentionally ingested.


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