

Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?
The passage suggests that Heber would be most likely to agree with which statement about low-mass hypervelocity stars?
The highlighted quotation from L. Schoep serves in part to
The author suggests that the "debate" mentioned in the passage is misguided because the participants in the debate
The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about the use of the term "Palace" in Minoan archaeology?
The author of the passage would most likely agree with which of the following statement?
According to the passage, reluctance to abandon the logarithmic-spiral model of shell formation arises from the fact that
Which of the following best summarizes the author's view concerning the “imprecision” mentioned in the passage?
In the context in which it appears, “interpreted” most nearly means
According to the passage. in the era before phonographs, violinists probably
The author of the passage mentions the Renaissance practices of substituting stucco for marble and of concealing joints in blocks of masonry in order to support the contention that Renaissance architects were
While marine hermit crabs are well known for being omnivorous filter feeders, less is known about the role they may play as active camion scavengers in intertidal ecosystems. Prior studies have revealed that intertidal hermit crabs can be attracted to chemical cues from gastropods(snails) killed by predators. Yet their attraction is usually assumed to be driven primarily by the availability of new shells for shelters rather than by food. Researchers conducted field experiments to assess hermit crabs' potential role as generalist carrion scavengers on the California coast, examining their speed of attraction and the size of the aggregations they formed in response to chemical cues from freshly smashed gastropods and mussels both of which indicated available carrion. Compared to all other marine species, hermit crabs were the fastest to arrive at the provisioning sites. Hermit crabs also dominated the provisioning sites, accumulating in the largest numbers, with aggregations of up to 20 individuals, which outcompeted all other scavengers for carrion. Notably, hermit crabs arrived equally quickly for both smashed gastropod and mussel, even though the latter does not offer suitable shells for hermit crabs and even though the former only yields shell-related chemical cues over time frames longer than the experiments. These results thus suggest that shell availability is not the only, or even the primary reason marine intertidal hermit crabs aggregate at carrion sites; they also aggregate to forage, thereby playing an important role as active carrion scavengers in intertidal ecosystems.
The highlighted sentence primarily serves to
The author would most likely agree with which of the following assertions about the environmental impact of hydroelectric power plants?
The author implies which of the following about Seneca's status as the emperor`s tutor?
In the context of the passage, the mention of the Large Hadron Collider primarily serves to
According to the passage, the “explicit and painstaking efforts” are
The passage implies that the statement made by Stephen Hawking has which shortcoming?
Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the argument?
In 1995, after an absence of nearly 10 years, wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park. During the wolf-free era, heavy browsing of aspen trees by elk populations spelled doom not only for the trees themselves but for a host of other creatures dependent on them, such as beavers, whose population in Yellowstone crashed after wolves were removed. Without beavers to create ponds, wetland ecosystems-aquatic plants, amphibians, birds-were devastated. When wolves retuned, grazers and browsers resumed normal patterns of behavior, preferring safer, open areas over the dense cover and streamsides where carnivores can lurk. Keeping elk wary and on the move, wolves gave aspen and other young trees the opportunity to grow and become reestablished.


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