

Both box T and box U have some white balls and black balls. There are 20 white balls and 30 black balls in box T. If a person selects 1 ball randomly from each box, then the probability that both balls are white is 0.25. What is the probability of selecting a black ball from the box U?
Give your answer as a fraction.
If the probability for each cannon shoots the target is 0.6, how many cannons shoot together can you ensure the overall probability of shooting the target reach 0.99?
Indicate all such choices.
A box contains 10 red balls and 6 blue balls. A volunteer takes two balls one by one without replacement. What is the probability that the two balls are both red?
Give your answer as a fraction.
A bag contains 6 blue marbles and 10 red marbles. Two marbles will be selected at random from the bag, one at a time and without replacement. What is the probability that one of the selected marbles will be blue and one of the selected marbles will be red?
Give your answer as a decimal.
There are 7 balls in a box, among which 1 is red. Someone removes balls from the box one by one without replacement and stops until he or she removes the red ball.

Quantity A

The probability that he or she stops after the third removal

Quantity B

The probability that he or she stops after the fourth removal

In a box, there are 1 red ball, 4 purple balls and 95 green balls. Someone randomly selects 2 balls from the box without replacement

Quantity A

The probability that one of the two balls is red

Quantity B

The probability that both balls are purple

M and N are both positive integers


Quantity A


Quantity B


Which of the following CANNOT be the sum of 6 consecutive odd integers?
Which of the following number has more even divisors than odd divisors?
What is the least positive integer that is not a factor of 25! and is not a prime number?
If k is the greatest positive integer such that $$3^{k}$$ is a divisor of 15! then k =?
Let a be the greatest integer such that $$5^{a}$$ is a factor of 1,500, and let b be the greatest integer such that $$3^{b}$$ is a factor of 33,333,333. Which of the following statements are true?

Indicate all such statements.
If both $$2^{a}$$ and $$3^{b}$$ are factors of 12!, what is the greatest possible value of (a+b)?
How many positive factors does 1,575 have?
16,000 has how many positive divisors?
If both n and $$\frac{72}{n}$$ are positive integers, then how many values could n have?
Of the positive integers that are less than 25, how many are equal to the sum of a positive multiple of 4 and a positive multiple of 5?
The square of which of the following numbers is 4 more than the positive multiple of 5?

Indicate all such numbers.
What is the number of integers between 1 and 226, inclusive, that are both multiples of 4 and perfect square numbers?
How many integers from 100 to 200, inclusive, are multiples of 5 but not multiples of 4?


25000 +道题目

