

During the morning commuting hours in 1987, what was the average speed, in miles per hour, of a car that traveled the 10 miles on Road H if the car took the typical amount of time to travel the 10 miles?
Set $$P$$ consists of all the integers from $$1$$ to $$100$$, inclusive. Which of the following sets contains the greatest number of integers?
$$x*$$ is defined as the 3-digit integer formed by reversing the digits of integer $$x$$; for instance, $$258*$$ is equal to $$852$$. $$R$$ is a 3-digit integer such that its units digit is $$2$$ greater than its hundreds digit.

Quantity A


Quantity B


In the sum above, if X and Y each denote one of the digits from 0 to 9, inclusive, then X+Y=?

In the sum above, if X and Y each denote one of the digits from 0 to 9, inclusive, then X=?
In the decimal number 1,375.2648, which digit has a place value that is 1,000 times the place value of the digit 6?
$$n \gt 10,000$$

Quantity A

The thousands digit of $$\frac{n}{8}$$

Quantity B


If the units digit of a two-digit integer n is 5, while then tens digit is k, then which of the following could express the result when the square of n is divided by 25?
If a two-digit number that has x as the tens digit and y as the units digit is multiplied by 5, then the value of the product is
N is an integer between 200 and 300, with tens digit x and units digit 5.

Quantity A


Quantity B


x and y are integers such that $$0 \lt y \lt x$$.




Quantity A

The units digit of M

Quantity B


x and y are positive integers, and x=10y+2

Quantity A

The value of the tens digit of x

Quantity B

The value of the units digit of y

In each round of a certain game, either 1, 3, 7, or 10 points are awarded to the winner of the round. Which of the following CANNOT be the total number of points awarded to the winner of three rounds?
Several teams will play in a tournament. Each game in the tournament will be played by two teams, where one team will win or the teams will tie. Each team will earn 3 points for each win, 1 point for each tie, and 0 points for each loss. If a team plays only four games in the tournament, which of the following could be the total number of points that the team will earn in the tournament?

Indicate all such numbers.
Carlene played in two chess tournaments, each consisting of a number of chess games, and she played more games in the second tournament than in the first tournament. In each tournament, she won at least one game and won twice as many games as she lost. She scored 1 point for each game she won, 0 points for each game she lost, and $$\frac{1}{2}$$ point for each game she neither won nor lost.

Quantity A

Carlene's total score in the first tournament divided by the number of games she played in that tournament

Quantity B

Carlene's total score in the second tournament divided by the number of games she played in that tournament

For each value x in a list of values with mean m, the absolute deviation of x from the mean is defined as |x-m|. Let Q consists of 5 positive integers greater than 10, and the mean of the integers is 20.

Which of the following statements individually provide(s) sufficient additional information to determine, for the integers in Q, the sum of the absolute deviation from the mean?

Indicate all such statements.
There are 34 different tasks assigned for 7 students (each student has at least one task). Student A is assigned more tasks than any another students, while student B is assigned fewer tasks than any other students. What is the least possible difference between the number of tasks assigned to student A and student B ?
The sum of ten different positive integers is 101. What is the greatest possible value of the maximum among the integers?
If $$a^{2}$$+$$b^{2}$$=$$c^{2}$$, and a, b, c are all integers. Which of the following CANNOT be the value of a+b+c?
In a two-digit integer n, the tens digit is 1, the units digit is to be determined, while the tens digit of the square of n is 2.

Quantity A

The hundreds digit of the square of n

Quantity B



25000 +道题目

