

In the xy-plane, line k has slope 2 and passes through the point (3, r).

Quantity A


Quantity B


According to the table, what is the average(arithmetic mean) hourly wage of the employees at Company C?

The circle shown has an area of 49π and is divided into four sectors all of which have a central angle of the same measure. What is the perimeter of the shaded region?
Of the four college enrollment categories shown, how many categories accounted for more than $$\frac{3}{8}$$ of the total Dcollege enrollment in 1973?
By approximately what percent did the total number of students enrolled in college increase from 1973 to 1993?
Which of the following is closest to the number of males who were not enrolled in college in 1993?
How many integer values of n satisfy the inequality |3-nl ≤ 4?

Quantity A


Quantity B


Quantity A:The number of different prime factors of 500

Quantity B: The number of different prime factors of 360.


Quantity A


Quantity B


In the triangle, if y =30, then x =
How many of the age-groups each accounted for more than 15 percent of the total number of occupational injuries in State X in 1998?
In 1998, if one-half of the occupational injuries in the combine 34-and-under age-groups were incurred by men, what was the number of occupational injuries incurred by men in the combined 35-and-over age-groups?
In the rectangular coordinate system, (x,y) is a point on a circle that has center (3,2) and is tangent to the x-axis at (3,0).

Quantity A

The least possible value of x

Quantity B


List L consists of the 7 numbers u, -2u, -3u, -4u, -5u, -6u, and -7u, where u≠0.

Quantity A

The median of the 7 numbers in list L

Quantity B


a > 0

Quantity A


Quantity B


If r postage stamps were divided evenly among 3 girls, each girl would receive s postage stamps. If the r postage stamps were dividded evenly among 5 girls, each girl would receive t postage stamps. If s-t=48, what is the value of r?
In the xy-plane, a circle is centered at the point (-4,3) and passes through the origin. What is the area of the circle?

The thin rectangular sheet of metal shown in the figure is 8 inches wide and x inches long. An open box is to be made by cutting a 2-inch square from each corner of the sheet of metal and then folding up the sides. If the volume of the box is to be 48 cubic inches, what is the value of x ?
From a set of 100 numbers, half were selected to form group I, and 60 percent of the remaining numbers were selected to form group II. The average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers in group I is 24.4, and the average of the numbers in group II is 31.5. Which of the following is closest to the average of the numbers in groups I and II combined?


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