

For how many of the times at which readings were taken was the difference between the concentrations at the two heights greater than 50 parts per million?
For approximately how many hours was the concentration of carbon dioxide at 0.5 meter greater than or equal to the concentration at 0.2 meter?
The median of the 12 recorded concentrations at 0.2 meter is approximately how many parts per million?

The table shows the profit or loss that a travel company makes for rendering services to different numbers of passengers. If each additional passenger increases the profit, or decreases the loss, by the same dollar amount, what is the number of passengers for which the travel company will have neither a profit nor a loss?

Line segment AB is a diameter of the circle and has length 5. Points C and D are on the circle as shown. What is the area of the shaded region?
The volume of the interior of a rectangular storage bin is 240 cubic meters. If the perimeter of the interior base of the bin is 40 meters, which of the following could be the dimensions of the interior of the bin, in meters?

Indicate all such dimensions.

The table shows the frequency distribution of the random variable Y. What is the median of the distribution of the values of Y ?

p is 75 percent of r.

Quantity A:50 percent of p

Quantity B:25 percent of r

From the cars manufactured in 2005 indicated in the table, one car is to be selected at random from the model A cars and one car is to be selected at random from the model B cars.

Quantity A: The probability that the model A car selected will be one that required repairs in its first year

Quantity B: The probability that the model B car selected will be one that required repairs in its first year

Quantity A:$$\frac{x}{x+1}$$

Quantity B:$$\frac{x+1}{x+2}$$
In the xy-plane, P and Q are two points on the line with equation y=2x+1. The x-coordinates of P and Q are 2 and 6, respectively.

Quantity A:The length of line segment PQ

Quantity B:9

In the circle with center G, arc MKN has length $$\frac{8}{3}π$$.

In the circle with center J, arc PQR has length $$\frac{16}{3}π$$.

Quantity A:a

Quantity B:b

Quantity A:$$\frac{|y|}{y}$$

Quantity B:-2

On the number line shown, a and b are the coordinates of two points.

Quantity A:ab

Quantity B:-ab
A small company made a profit of $9,000 last quarter. The dollar amount of the profit was distributed equally among the 4 divisions of the company. If each division distributed its dollar amount of the profit equally among the people in the division, how much more money did a person in a division of 6 people receive than a person in a division of 10 people?

In a social group 62 members enjoy dancing and 28 members enjoy hiking. If each of the 75 members in the group enjoys dancing or hiking, how many members enjoy both dancing and hiking?
On each of the first 15 days of April, Aaron spent 5 percent of his monthly income for April. If at the end of the 15th day of April, he had $1,250 of his monthly income remaining, what was his monthly income for April?
A school stadium contains 2,000 seats. For a certain game, student tickets cost $3 each and nonstudent tickets cost $6 each. What is the least number of nonstudent tickets that must be sold so that the total ticket sales will be at least $8,400 ?
If r, s, and t are consecutive positive integers and r< s< t, which of the following statements must be true?

Indicate all such statements.


25000 +道题目

