解析库 > 2020年新阅读100篇




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Which of the following, if true, would cast the most doubt on the author's reasoning about the probable purpose of the Huanuco Pampa warehouses?
  • A.Further examination reveals that the sixteenth-century Spanish document cited by the author was intended solely to record the amount of food and goods farmers and artisans in the surrounding region contributed to Huanuco Pampa's warehouses each year.
  • B.Several large warehouses similar to those of Huanuco Pampa are unearthed in subsequent archaeological excavations in the region surrounding Huanuco Pampa.
  • C.A contemporaneous document is discovered establishing that Huanuco Pampa's political influence in the surrounding region was far greater than archaeologists and historians had previously supposed.
  • D.Traces of pottery storage containers similar in style to those of the Huanuco Pampa warehouses are discovered in a section of the Incan empire remote from Huanuco Pampa.
  • E.Archaeologists discover that Huanuco Pampa was able to maintain constant stores of goods in its warehouses despite fluctuations in agricultural conditions in the surrounding region.


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