解析库 > 2020年新阅读100篇




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The author suggests which of the following about the sixteenth-century Spanish document discussed in the passage?
  • A.Although the document was initially used by archaeologists to support a particular theory about Huanuco Pampa's warehouses, it was subsequently interpreted as contradictory of that theory.
  • B.Although the document intends to record the flow of food and goods between Huanuco Pampa and the surrounding region, it provides a wealth of information about Huanuco Pampa's political life.
  • C.Although it discusses warehouses in very general terms, the document reveals much information about how Huanuco Pampa allocated its warehoused supplies throughout the region.
  • D.Although the document does not discuss whether Huanuco Pampa distributed food and goods throughout the surrounding region, the fact that it does not implies that the city did not perform this function.
  • E.Although the document was known to archaeologists prior to the excavation of Huanuco Pampa, that excavation revealed the document to be more accurate about Huanuco Pampa's daily life than was previously thought.


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